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Tina Karol admitted how she trims her figure

39-year-old Ukrainian singer Tina Karol shared the secrets of her fitness routine and food principles that help her get out of shape, writes WomanEL. In her Instagram story, the artist spoke about the importance of proper training and proper nutrition.

Spivachka gives a lot of respect to sports, including many different disciplines, including yoga, jump rope trimming and planking. Vona admitted that she started small, but now she cuts 40 quills a day on a jumping rope. Every day she does yoga, and every day she conquers various standards, such as running, and presses. The plank has become an important part of training for her – every other day, Tina will work on the right up to 16 times, sometimes setting records, losing the plank to a year.

Besides sports, Karol focuses on the correct food. You will need a special regimen that allows you to control rhubarb in the blood. Vikonovitsa knows that you already love yeast-free bread and gives preference to products with a low insulin index in order to avoid sharp cuts in the pulp. She also explained that it is better to eat pasta or bread in small quantities at lunchtime. And rice eats a wide variety of bread.

Days eat these healthy eggs Tina Karol dreams of herself at the miracle In physical form, she always looks hopeless.

It seems that Tina Karol recently met right at a concert.

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