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Symptoms of perimenopause related to the intestine

We know the idea that a healthy intestine is related to our hormonal cycles, and even symptoms worsen at the right time. Could perimenopause also contribute to your symptoms? Unfortunately, there are symptoms of perimenopause associated with the intestines. With such widespread symptoms as brain fog, then, change your mood and much more, you may notice that your intestines are starting to have problems.

< span class="h3">ContentWhat does perimenopause mean, problems with the intestine? Why is it so? Gut symptoms of perimenopause Gut symptoms of perimenopause: what are we Can we get out of them?

There are so many reasons for discomfort in the herbal tract – the average price, stress and bad sleep – that it is quite difficult to diagnose the cause, except that further investigation will show the presence of an axis of state hormones and the intestinal microbiome, which you have 30-40 years of life and note changes in symptoms on the side of the bowel, which may be a result of perimenopause. WomanEL would like to talk in more detail about this.

Chi screams perimenopause problems with intestines?

Our hormones flow into the work of the intestines, Dzherelo:

In a word, so.

“As women enter perimenopause, the fluctuating levels of hormones may increase or result in a number of symptoms along the scutulointestinal tract (SCT),” said Dr. Dipali Misra-Sharp. “These symptoms can be unpleasant and are often accompanied by other changes, such as hot flashes and mood swings.”

Why is it so loud?

According to nutritionist Annie Mapson, this is due to the fact that cellular receptors for state hormones are distributed in the intestine. “Cut receptors for state hormones are located in the intestine. Therefore, estrogen, progesterone and testosterone influence processes such as stress, as well as mood, skin and energy,” says Strong Women.

And if you are not in perimenopause, you may still be susceptible to the influx of hormones and intestines. “We know that twice as many women and men experience symptoms of bowel disease, which may be due to the influx of female hormones,” Mepson continues. “Unfortunately, women with SBS are more likely to experience premenstrual anxiety and heavy periods than those who do not suffer from ileus syndrome. This may be due to the fact that microbes in the herbal tract can interact with female hormones, potentially causing premenstrual symptoms.”

Estrogen and gut bacteria play a key role.As is often associated with perimenopausal symptoms, estrogen plays a significant role in the symptoms. And, to put it simply, estrogen and intestinal bacteria have a mutual relationship.

“The microbes that live in the colon vibrate the enzyme beta-glucuronidase, which can change the amount of estrogen that is released from the body into feces. This means that estrogen molecules will once again be absorbed into the body,” Mepson explains. “If you have too much estrogen, you may find that you have more PMS symptoms, such as breast tenderness, menstrual cramps, seizures, mood changes and insomnia.”

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Gut symptoms of perimenopause

Due to any hormonal cycle, we can be slow to strengthen before menstruation and, however, during the hour of bleeding. Once you reach perimenopause, you may notice that symptoms are distributed throughout the body.

Gut symptoms of perimenopause: how we can get upset with them?

Although you can still create a cocktail of discomfort in the early hours of the month and throughout the entire perimenopausal period, not all bad things are new. Є кроки, які ми можемо зробити, щоб обмежити вплив коливань гормонів на здоров’я і роботу нашого кишківника.

«Проблеми з кишківником у перименопаузі – явище поширене, але цілком переборне», – погоджується докторка Місра -Sharp. “Regular changes in food, physical activity, stress management, and medical care may cause many women to experience these symptoms and increase the intensity of life during this transition. Iodine.”

When should you talk about the symptoms?< /strong> If you want to experience a lot of symptoms of the side of the intestine during perimenopause, you can seek help to change your way of life, and carefully contact the doctor if the symptoms become important or permanent.

“Significant changes in the intestinal tract, loss of energy or severe pain may be assessed by your doctor. “It will help to turn off other underlying illnesses, such as subcutaneous bowel syndrome (SBS), glandular disorders, and malignant tumors,” says Dr. Misra-Sharp.

Get involved in exercise to relieve symptoms. Here we shared the best joy for women going through menopause.

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