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5 doses from Katerina Kuhar to preserve mental health

Like us, Zirkova choreographer Katerina Kukhar went through important moments. There would be such periods in life if everything was lost in sense. It’s also as important to talk about yourself in the middle as it is about physical stamina. Today WomanEL encourages you to take 5 years from Katerina, which will help you maintain mental health.

Content< /span>Don’t be afraid to allow yourself a break Find joy in your friends Embrace your emotions Tell yourself with love Don’t do everything yourself

Life, like dancing, does not slow down. Sometimes it’s the most important, and sometimes the most important thing – don’t just bother yourself to get up and move on. At the darkest moments of life, you are always brutalized to yourself, searching for clues in the depths of your soul, – The dancer shared.

5 days from Katerina Kuhar to preserve mental health. Dzherelo: Instagram

Don’t be afraid to allow yourself a pause

Behind Katerina’s words, there are moments when it is possible and necessary to hesitate. Give yourself an hour to recover, to cry as needed. It’s not easy to be strong – we are women, and in our passion there is strength.

Know the joy of your friends

Whenever the world goes dark, Katerina Kuhar wants to find small moments of joy. A cup of aromatic kava, a walk in the fresh air or just feeling the warm sun on your face. These friends can guess what life is troubling.

Embrace your emotions

As Katerina thinks, what you do today is natural. Tomorrow you may feel better, and you can take it. And if you feel a raptish rush of happiness and harmony at the most difficult moment, don’t feel guilty about it.

Life is not always positive, and it is not good to judge yourself for difficult emotions , – the ballerina said.

Give it to yourself with love

Zirka appreciates that the turbo to yourself is not a luxury, it is a necessity. Treat yourself to something that will bring you satisfaction. Take a hot bath, light some candles, watch a light movie, or just enjoy yourself.

Don't be shy all by herself

Sometimes we all need a shoulder, on which we can rest. It is important to recognize the line when you turn for help – whether to your loved ones or to professionals. This is not weakness, but wisdom, – seems like a brilliant choreographer.

And Katerina also reminds us that our skin is strong in its own way. Remember what to say after a dark night, the early morning always comes. And you will definitely find the strength to get up again and rush forward.

Earlier, Katerina Kukhar showed a mature 15-year-old son looking like a huge man.

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