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Moldova now has posters for Anastasia Prikhodko with the inscription “No to the European Union”

Moldova became unprepared when posters appeared around the place to advertise the concert of the singer Anastasia Prikhodko with the inscription “Ni ES”. This situation aroused concern among the population, especially ahead of the important constitutional referendum on the possible entry of the country into the European Union, writes WomanEL.

For information from The New York Times, Chief of the National of the other police of Moldova, Viorel Cernauteanu, informed what the poster was about ;appeared at the spring, and the concert itself will take place on the 6th of June. Protely, the slogans of the Russian and Romanian NU EC were placed on the posters, which translates as “Ni ES”. Chernautyan noted that these tears do not last long until Prikhodko and called them part of a “psychological operation of Russia” aimed at destabilizing the referendum.

Russia is tempting to get involved in the referendum in Moldova. Dzherelo:

The police respect that behind these actions is the Moldovan oligarch Ilan Shor, who has been involved in Russia and has repeatedly emerged due to the expansion of pro-Russian initiatives. Шор, якого суд засудив до 15 років ув’язнення, працював над розпалюванням ворожнечі між Заходом і Молдовою.

Плакати з лозунгом «Ні ЄС» були швидко заборонені й прибрані через незаконну агітацію. Despite the fact that Prikhodko’s concert was in jeopardy, without realizing it, social networks began to spread information about those who had been accused through the position of the EU leader. The artist’s team was very sensitive, declaring that the concert was due to their powerful decisions.

Recently, Anastasia Prikhodko suddenly got married to her husband on the 11th river.

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