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Autumn anxiety: 8 creative ways to find harmony this season

Autumn is the time when nature changes, the days become shorter, and the weather may not change. These changes often sound like melancholy in rich people. If the autumn anxiety has not overtaken you, WomanEL presents 8 practical ways that can help you to heal as much as possible.

ContentGet active Stay active with loved ones and friends Practice awareness Keep a busy lifestyle Take up a hobby Enjoy nature Set realistic goals Maintain a sleep schedule If the autumn anxiety has not overcome you, here are 8 simple ways that can help you get over it. Dzherelo:

Get active

Physical activity has a strong positive impact on your mood. Walking in the fresh air, playing sports or yoga can help relieve stress and improve self-esteem. Try to take an hour to do some physical exercises today, as long as it's just a short walk.

Eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep and regular exercise can help keep your body and mind in shape. Avoid heavy exposure to caffeine and alcohol, as some of the stench may increase anxiety.

Get together with close friends

Don’t be afraid to reach out to your friends or relatives for support. Sprinkling with loved ones can lift your spirits and provide some encouragement. Discussing your experiences will help you realize that you are not at your best.

Schedule meetings, organize sleepovers, or just talk on the phone. Social encouragement is important for self-esteem and anxiety.

If the autumn anxiety has not overcome you, hang out with your close and friends more often. Dzherelo:

Practice awareness

Awareness techniques, such as meditation and mental exercises, can help change anxiety and paint the burning camp. Try to have a few meals a day for meditation or deep breathing. This can help you focus on the present moment and reduce stress.

Lead a Schedennik

Writing down your thoughts and feelings can be a bad way to with anxiety. Maintain a guide to whom you will describe your emotions, experiences and positive moments. This will help you better understand your feelings and reduce anxiety.

Draw, sing, grow flowers – not only to inspire, but also to bring positive emotions and enthusiasm. Dzherelo:

Take up a hobby

Find a time for something that brings you joy. Anything you like can be a way out of negative thoughts and help you relax. Learn new languages, take part in groups or courses, discover new treasures for yourself. Draw, sleep, and grow flowers – it will not only inspire you, but will bring positive emotions and enthusiasm.

Be with nature

Autumn is a wonderful time to get closer to nature Spend an hour in the fresh air, which will help you get away from the daily rush.

Walks in the park or forests can lift your spirits, and the beauty of autumn landscapes can reduce anxiety. Watch out for changes in leaf colors, breathe in the cool air and enjoy the quiet.

Keep positive no mood for gloomy days… Dzherelo:

Set realistic goals

Set achievable goals for each day. This can include simple chores such as cooking, cleaning or finishing work. Mark your achievements, as the stinks are small.

Save your sleep routine

A change in weather can ruin your normal sleep routine. Try to go to bed and throw out at the same time. Create a comfortable atmosphere for sleep: darken the room, maintain a comfortable temperature, and avoid turning off electronic devices before bed.

Autumn anxiety is an emergency that can cause skin irritation. Celebrate our joys and find joy and fate in the autumn season. Remember that it is important to talk to yourself and look for ways to improve your self-esteem.

Also, 5 tips from Katerina Kukhar can help you to preserve mental health.

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