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Who are therianthropes in simple words? Secrets of the popular subculture

What does it mean to identify yourself as a human being? Why not identify? The price is not often set by emergency people. However, we are still wary of the ever-increasing popularity of such subcultures as therianthropy. Who sings, which is entirely natural, and even people walk like mawpi. Some experts are alarmed that modern people (not least children and toddlers) have begun to actively associate themselves with creatures. We are speaking for the beginning of growth, who is therianthropy in simple words.

ContentWho are therianthropes in simple words: the meaning of the termWho are therianthropes in simple words: what do they smell like furries to understand that you are a therianthropeTheria does not belong to the LGBT+ spectrum Ianthropy (polytherians) in simple words Therianthropy – is there any illness? Advantages and shortcomings What do you care about, since your child is a therianthrope?

WomanEL will tell you what this term means, which includes furries and not much else.

Who are therianthropies in simple words: the meaning of the term

In the era of freedom of self-expression, many people are beginning to identify themselves with the creatures, Dzherelo:

“Therian” is short for “theriantrope” (therian = creature, anthro = human). Vono means human, as it senses the spiritual, psychological and emotional connection with a creature that does not belong to the species Homo sapiens. The most widespread creatures in the Therian regions are intestines and horses. However, sometimes the Therians grow stronger, who insist that they are associated with creatures that do not hesitate on Earth. For example, a unicorn or a dragon. Such people are most often called otherkin-therians.

Therianthropies (theri, therians, therians) recognize themselves from the essence and behavior of the creature, although their physiology does not correspond to them, and they cannot understand. Most often, terians feel most like themselves when they engage in the same types of activities that would kill this creature. For example, the one whose teriotype (the species it identifies with) is a toad, may feel the most valuable, strumming and croaking. And the one whose teriotype is a penguin may feel more comfortable, scanding and snuggling with loved ones to warm up.

Don’t know what quadroberry is? Previously, we learned in detail about who and what they do.

Who are therianthropes in simple words: what are the stinks of furry

Furries are people who are especially fond of singing creatures, write Therianthropy. Stinks often create images of creatures (so-called “fursoni”) or costumes of creatures (so-called “fursuit”), in order to get even closer to the creature. However, their fursoni are still the same form of role-playing gris; They perceive the creature as they represent it, as a character.

Therians, for example, perceive their creaturely essence as the main part of themselves. The stench of these creatures is enough to insure yourself, regardless of whether the stench is added to the suit or not. And so, you correctly understood, the costume and attributes for therianthropy are necessary for language. More precisely, there is no need for rich stench.

How to understand that you are a theriantrope

Loving creatures and nature is an important sign that you can be a therianthrope, Dzherelo:

  1. Zsuvni vіdchuttya. Therians sometimes perceive “mental destruction” or “phantom destruction” when they immediately take on the physical and sensory characteristics of their teriotype – the creature to which the stench binds their soul. At this time, the Therians may change their outlook, may feel a sense of sadness in the new month, or may lick your bottom like a gut.
  2. Day dreams and nightmares. Therians often have vivid dreams and daytime dreams in which their Therian spirit figures. As a rule, these dreams, either realistic or symbolic, often make you feel like you are in the body of a creature.
  3. Phantom endings. Some therians feel that they contain parts of the body of their own therian creature, although they don’t really smell them.
  4. Strong affection for creatures and nature. This smell can manifest itself in the appearance of love for creatures, buried by them, or in the sense that the smell is close to other people. Aletzim on the right is not cut off. Therians also sense a strong connection with nature.
  5. Colored sensors are not washed out. Therians often note that theirs tastes even hotter than the rice of their food.
  6. The language of domestic animals is similar to theirs. A lot of therians tell about those who smell a special smell about any creature, since childhood itself.
  7. Natural instinct. Have you ever caught yourself acting like a singing creature, without even thinking about it? How you collapse, what your signals are and how you cope with situations – these instincts can be a hint.
  8. Spiritual and symbolic language. Many therians sense a spiritual connection with the creature they have gathered. Acts also have a strong connection with the symbols and stories associated with their creatures.
  9. The language comes from our ancestors. Find a time to look into the history of your homeland. Some therians respect that their language from creatures comes from their ancestors. If your homeland has a love story with a singing creature, you may want to read this link in more detail.
  10. Steelness. Think about the things you hear every now and then. Being a Therian is not what comes and goes, but is, as a rule, a long-term part of your being.

Therianism does not belong to the LGBT+ spectrum

While other Therians may also identify as a Queer, their Therian identity has absolutely nothing to do with this. Through the words “identify yourself,” people associate trans therians and other gender nonconforming groups. However, the Therians do not respect themselves in part with LGBT diversity, and yet.

Hto these are the fields of therianthropy (polytherians) in simple words

Polytherians – This is a current term for therianthropes who identify themselves with more than one type of non-human creatures. Polytherian replacing the old term Polywere, which was first adopted in 1996. Poly is a prefix, which means “rich”, “spread” or “multiple”.

However, when substituting for cladotheria, which are identified as a species in the song group, the teriotypes of polymorphs may be completely unrelated to each other. The stench can be perceived as two different creatures at the same time. They can also be perceived as one teriotype at one time and as another at a later time. For example, a polymorph can reveal that during the day it transforms into a cat (wanting to swim, purring, licking yourself) and a shark (wanting to swim, seemingly looking around) in the evening.

Therianthropy – is it a disease? Advantages and shortcomings

The term “therian” is similar to the zoological word Theria, which belongs to the great group of animals Dzherelo: pexels. com

There are no thoughts behind this drive. It seems like there’s nothing terrible in it and all that’s left is a way of self-expression. They call these benefits of being a therianthrope: decreased anxiety, increased empathy for creatures and nature, increased understanding of oneself, formation of one’s identity.

Other psychologists reconcile what therianthropy can lead to problems because it ruins people’s everyday life, respects her to work with, to interact with others. You can identify such shortcomings as a therianthrope: social isolation, dysmorphophobia (dissatisfaction with your body), problems with self-esteem, blocked reality.

Today, unfortunately, not much research has been carried out on the influence of therianthropy on the health and psyche of people. Psychologists still believe in nutrition, but until now they do not recognize therianthropy as illness and mental disorder.

What should I do to you, since your child is a therianthrope?

Do not criticize and, of course, do not mock the child. Talk and listen. It is necessary to understand why your child is obsessed with this subculture. Find encouragement and understanding. As you noted, through this the child became more difficult to read, she had problems with her mood, she didn’t want to hang out with you or friends, turn to a psychologist.

It’s not safe that the children have become take up quadrobing? Find out the thoughts of a trusted psychologist.

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