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Picasso and fashion: how classic cubism transforms modern clothing design

Im Pablo Picasso has become synonymous with innovation and experimentation in the history of the 20th century. As one of the most famous artists in the world, he not only changed ideas about painting, but also deprived him of a deep trace from many other interests, from design and fashion. This contribution to the developments of cubism, as directly artistic, has opened up new horizons for the refinement of form and space, which will continue to inspire a new generation of artists and designers, reveals WomanEL.

ContentRevolution in creative art Influence on designers and fashion Cubism in contemporary design One of the most famous artists in the world is Pablo Picasso. Dzherelo:

Revolution in Russia mysticism

At the beginning of the 20th century, Picasso and Georges Braque pioneered cubism, which views objects through the prism of geometric forms and abstraction. This style was inspired by traditional realism, bringing to the understanding of objects from different points of view simultaneously. Cubism not only changed painting techniques, but also upgraded artists to new ideas about perspective, composition and color.

The artist’s works “Guernica” and “The Maidens of Avignon” became icons of cubism. These paintings impress with their emotional depth and complexity of forms, creating resistance to the era and change. We started with Picasso's robots by transforming the concepts of how light can be represented.

“Avignon girls.” Dzherelo:

Influx on designers and fashion

Picasso's creativity made a great influx not only into mystique, but also into fashion. Designers began to interpret the aesthetics of cubism in their collections, reflecting this idea in textures, shapes and colors. Picasso inspired designers such as Coco Chanel, IV Saint Laurent and Jean-Paul Gaultier, who introduced elements of cubism into their work.

Same as Coco Chanel Picasso, having cut his teeth in the fashion industry. Dzherelo: Costumes for the ballet “Blakitniy Express”. Photo:

Together with Coco Chanel, Picasso made his first career in the fashion industry. In 1924, they simultaneously came up with the design of the sets and costumes for the ballet “Black Express” by Jean Cocteau.

Cubic prints, asymmetrical silhouettes and experimental cutting techniques became popular in the 20s and 30s of the last century. Today's fashion collections continue to explore concepts inspired by Picasso, vibrant colors, geometric shapes and non-standard compositions.

Cubism in modern design

Today, Picasso's influence is felt not only in fashion, but also in graphic design, architecture and industrial design. Designers and artists continue to use cubist elements, developing ideas similar to those found in Picasso's robots, adapting them to modern realities. Dutch fashion house Viktor & Rolf created a haute couture collection in honor of the abstract aesthetics of cubism.

The Moschino show delighted viewers with creative new items. Through the light hand of renowned designer Jeremy Scott, the work of artist Pablo Picasso has received a completely new reading. Фаворитом глядацьких симпатій стала оригінальна сукня-сюртук із мотивами полотна «Дівчина перед дзеркалом», образ Арлекіна від Белли Хадід, «Дівчата з мандоліною» від Каї Гербер та інші.

Picasso and fashion: how classic cubism transforms modern clothing design. Dzherelo: The image of Harlequin as seen by Belly Hadid. Dzherelo: The Moschino show delighted viewers with creative new products. Dzherelo: New possibilities for the expression of creativity… Dzherelo:

Domami brands, Balenciaga, Proenza Schouler and Prada, in their collections often experiment with cubic shapes and original prints, paying tribute to the traditions of cubism. They use this style to create unique, sweet and timeless images that add respect and arouse interest.

Pablo Picasso deprived the world of its importance and design. Its revolutionary approaches to cubism changed the way we think about painting and opened up new possibilities for the expression of creativity. The influx of his creativity continues to be felt in fashion and design, with a growing new generation of mitsians creating unusual and innovative robots that reflect the aesthetics of cubism. In this way, Picasso not only changed his generation, but also indicated for future generations that they are looking for new ways of discovering beauty and mystery in the world.

Previously the first trailer my “Malevich”, which speaks about the brightest moments from the life of the renowned artist and founder of Suprematism Kazimir Malevich.

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