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What is spelled, what is it for relish and what is its value for health

When you think about grains, what comes to mind? As most people think, popular grains such as brown rice, quinoa and farro are the most popular. However, if you want to advance your culinary passion, perhaps the time has come to turn your attention to spelled. Have you heard about it and don’t know what spelled is?

ContentWhat is spelled? The power and survival of spelled How to prepare spelled

WomanEL learned that this cereal is not only universal and tasty, but also good for health. Here you will find more information about her, her lifelong powers and about those who are victorious in cooking and vice.

What is spelled?

Spelled is a type of grain similar to wheat. It is important that their fatherland is Iran, and even worse, it is growing and living in Europe. It is also known as ancient grain, so it grows from the origins of the same technologies for thousands of years.

Other names for spelled are dinkel and kamut. In addition, there are two types: whole or good. Boil whole grains and eat them like rice. The stinks form a long oval shape with burnt ends that resemble orzo pasta.

Prote more expansion is a good option. Just like the original wheat, the spelled flour can be either white or whole, depending on the method of processing the grains. It is more thoroughly refined, so that the hangers and germ (then the outer balls of grain) are removed; In the case of whole spelled, the hangers and germ are left unfinished. Two varieties are used in bakery products, including bread, baked goods and muffins.

As a type of wheat, spelled contains gluten. This means that it is not safe for those who have a wheat allergy, celiac disease or sensitivity to gluten, according to nutritionist Medda Pasquariello.

What is spelled for relish? Spelled has an earthy and slightly bitter taste, similar to the original wheat and grain, which is appreciated by pastry chef and TV presenter Adriano Zumbo. To be more specific, it’s better to spelt peas, whole grains, whole grains, whole grains, says Enn Ziata, head cook at the Institute of Culinary Studies Iti.

Quinoa is even more colorful and alive. Ale there can be a drink for relish. The axis yak pozbutisya tsyogo.

Korisni vlastivosti i zhivnіst spelty

Like other ancient grains, spelled has a high yield value. According to data from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), one cup of boiled spelt contains 10 grams of protein and half a gram of cellulose. For balance, this same serving of cooked brown rice has six grams of protein and three grams of cellulose, which is about half as much as spelled.

Why is it so important: “Protein is the most important macronutrient that plays a role in all the functions of our cells,” says Pasquariello. It also reduces the consumption of meat mass, builds it up, promotes healthy vagina, reduces saturation, and adds moisture. In addition, “cellulose is essential for proper digestion, helps regulate the metabolism of speech and intestinal motility,” says Pasquariello. This is a key factor in promoting the absorption of living substances and a healthy gut microbiome.”

Spelled is also a good source of magnesium and potassium, two important minerals. Magnesium regulates the functioning of muscles and nerves, and potassium supports the balance of energy in the body, according to Pasquariello.

How to prepare spelled

After cooking, spelled swells with a texture with a slight flavor (al dente), like wild and black rice, Dzherelo :

Do you like pasta? Mi tezh! However, most people indulge in such bad treats that she has prepared.

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