In December, the “eBook” program will launch, which will allow Ukrainians to receive certificates for purchasing books in the Ukrainian language. The government has approved a resolution according to which citizens who will turn 18 in 2024 will have the opportunity to issue a certificate for 908 hryvnias in “Diya”, writes WomanEL.
ContentWhere to spend moneyHow to issue a certificateOpportunity for Ukrainians abroad
Where to spend money
The certificate can be used to purchase paper, electronic and audio books in Ukrainian. The funds will be valid in bookstores participating in the program, and a full list of such institutions will be published on the websites of “Diya” and the Ukrainian Book Institute.
How to issue a certificate
To use the program, you need to:
- Log in to the “Diya” application.
- Select the “eBook” service.
- Open a special account to which the funds will be credited.
- Use the funds in bookstores within three months; if the money remains unused, it will be returned to the Ukrainian Book Institute.
An opportunity for Ukrainians abroad
According to the director of the Ukrainian Book Institute, Oleksandra Koval, the program will be available not only in Ukraine, but also abroad. outside of it. This opens up access to Ukrainian literature for many citizens, regardless of their location.
Previously, we said that Diya is the best invention according to TIME.