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Why does a child need a phone? Advantages and disadvantages of the device

Why does a child need a phone? This is a question that every parent is concerned about. We understand that technology is everywhere these days. And the fact that your son or daughter's classmate has an iPhone may mean that he/she will also ask you for a gadget one day.

ContentWhy does a child need a phone: communicationWhy does a child need a phone: safetyWhy does a child need a phone: location trackingDisadvantages of mobile phones: can they harm children?Children's mobile phone safety: what to considerSo should children be allowed to have mobile phones?How can I keep my child safe on the Internet?

However, we should not forget about their disadvantages. WomanEL will share the warnings of mental health expert Jennifer Kelman regarding the impact of phones on a child's development.

Why a child needs a phone: communication

The main benefit of having a cell phone for kids, at least from a parent’s perspective, is that it gives them a way to communicate with you as they begin to gain more independence. Of course, every child is different. But there usually comes a point when they can leave school on their own, extracurricular activities no longer require your presence, and freedoms like going to a friend’s house or being home alone can become a reality.

“Simply put, cell phones will come in handy “in any situation outside of the school day when kids are without their parents and may need to connect with adults,” says Kelman.

Why a child needs a phone: safety

Indeed, both parents and children can find much-needed peace of mind knowing that there is a mobile phone nearby, which will allow the child to contact a trusted person or contact emergency services if something goes wrong. This is especially important during war.

Why a child needs a phone: location tracking

It is also worth noting that most modern phones provide parents with the ability to track the location of the device. For example, you can make sure that your unruly teenager is really at the movies as he said.

Disadvantages of mobile phones: can they harm children?

Pills associated with giving children free access to technology is well known. Therefore, the expert agrees that the decision to give children mobile phones should not be taken lightly.

Children's mobile phone safety: what to consider

When it comes to phone safety, Kelman advises parents to make it easier for their children to use them by choosing a phone that can grow with the child. In other words, you don't need to buy the latest iPhone with all its benefits.

Some devices are easier to control than others. And if you just want your child to have access to a primary method of communication, there are plenty of options.

There are, for example, smartphones that parents can control remotely, so they can enable or disable access to any applications (thoroughly vetted) available to the child, and even create an individual schedule for how and when the phone is used.

So should we let children have cell phones?

The longer you wait to give your child their own phone, the better, Source:

There's no one-size-fits-all answer here. “It's not a one-size-fits-all,” says Kelman. That's not to say that giving your child a cell phone is always a bad thing. But it also doesn't mean that all children should have one. You just have to know your child and be guided by that when choosing, as well as the specific rules you set for their use.

In other words, there's nothing wrong with giving your child a phone. But make sure you weigh all the factors first. Or, as Kelman puts it, “don't just give it to your child too quickly because your child is pressuring you.”

How can I keep my child safe online?

The key to keeping your child safe online is to have clear guidelines for interacting with technology, an easy way to enforce these rules (such as parental controls) and frequent conversations about potential risks to her safety.

After all, at some point we all have to trust our children with the ability to reason and make responsible decisions…

But this does not mean that you should hand them the keys to the car and expect them to immediately start knowing how to drive a car.

Although now everyone advises to follow soft upbringing , this style is not suitable for everyone. That is why it can be so difficult for you.

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