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Friends meet in trouble in the Ukrainian context: literal translation and adapted versions

The Russian saying “Friends are known in times of trouble” is well-known to many. It is often used to emphasize the importance of true friendship in difficult times. However, to correctly translate it into Ukrainian, it is not enough to simply replace the words, writes WomanEL. The Ukrainian language is rich in expressions and phraseologisms that help convey the same idea, but with its characteristic depth and color.

ContentLiteral translationFolk wisdomAdapted variants

Literal translation

The first translation option is “Friends are known in trouble.” This is a direct and understandable expression that sounds the same as in Russian. It accurately conveys the main idea — the true value of a friend is manifested not in happy moments, but in difficulties.

Friends are known in trouble in the Ukrainian context: literal translation and adapted variants. Source:

Folk wisdom

Ukrainians have long had many of their own sayings that aptly convey the same idea. For example:

Adapted variants

In addition to literal translation and folk variants, there are also adapted phrases that convey the essence of the expression, but sound more natural in the Ukrainian context. For example:

The last option adds another important aspect – the unshakability of friendship, which cannot be destroyed even in the most difficult moments.

Each of the options – whether literal, folk, or adapted – conveys the same idea: true friends are recognized precisely in moments when support is needed. Do not be afraid to use these expressions in conversation, because they carry not only linguistic richness, but also life wisdom, tested by time.

Also find out how to translate the Russian expression “Старий конь борозды не портит” into Ukrainian without losing meaning

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