• 16/02/2025 06:17

New Moon January 29, 2025: exact time, what to do and what not to do

Miscellaneous New Moon January 29, 2025: exact time, what to do and what not to do

Find out how to prepare for the first new moon of 2025.

Get ready for an exciting and noisy new beginning. The New Moon on January 29, 2025 (14:36 ​​Kyiv time) concludes the first month of the year and gives all zodiac signs a much-needed emotional reboot. This is the first New Moon of the year. Therefore, it is especially important for realizing your most magical intentions for 2025. And knowing what to do and what not to do during this significant lunation is simply necessary.

MigNews will list a few warnings and recommendations for you to make the most of the energy of this New Moon.

New Moon on January 29, 2025: forecast for all zodiac signs

Rising in the rule-breaking and rebellious sign of Aquarius, this new moon should inspire everyone to abandon their usual way of thinking and adopt a broader perspective on their goals. In this fixed air sign, it's important to be innovative and challenge the status quo. So when the Sun and Moon are in the same conjunction, it's time to step away from other people's expectations and follow your own path – even if it doesn't coincide with what is considered “normal” in society at large.

It's not easy to stand out from the crowd and follow your authentic quirkiness when everyone else seems to be doing something different. But you'll be rewarded if you stay true to yourself during this lunation. That's because the new moon forms a powerful trine to the bountiful planet Jupiter, known as the Zodiac's “great benefactor” and cosmic bringer of good fortune.

This cosmic event is filled with auspicious mood and opportunity. So embrace the energy of the free-thinking Aquarius zodiac sign with all your heart. Following someone else’s lead won’t get you where you want to go right now, so trust your inner trendsetter and get going. This is your life, so there’s no reason to play by someone else’s rules.

The Aquarius Moon rising on January 29th is symbolic and significant for many reasons. Understanding what to do and what not to do during this new moon will help you get the most out of its energy. Here’s what to focus on.

On the New Moon on January 29th, 2025, you should: Plant seeds for the year ahead

This is a great time to think about what you would like to build in your life for the year ahead, Source: pexels.com

New Moons are almost always considered powerful times for manifestation. But this new moon is the first of the calendar year, making it an especially significant time to plant seeds that you can sow over the next twelve months. This lunation also marks the start of the Lunar New Year, which in Chinese astrology heralds the Year of the Snake. Even if you’ve already set New Year’s goals, this new moon will give you another boost of motivation to commit to and take action on your most recent goals.

Don’t: Limit Yourself

Jupiter is the planet of abundance, and its boundlessly optimistic energy wants you to take up as much space as you need to shine. The New Moon, combined with the chain-breaking energy of Aquarius, forces you to overcome limitations and reach for the gold. Don’t limit yourself or lower your expectations just because you don’t want to ask for too much. Now is the perfect time to reach for the moon and stars, because Jupiter’s lucky touch is on your side.

On the New Moon on January 29, 2025, you need to: connect with your team

Aquarius' energy, as an objective and free-thinking air sign, is very useful when you need to distract yourself from your own experiences in order to take into account the needs of the collective. Whether it is your main social group, an extended circle of friends, or society in general. Given this, this lunation can be an ideal time to participate in community events or begin humanitarian activities, such as volunteering. Creating the future of your dreams does not exist in a vacuum. Therefore, communicating with other people and trying to make the world a better place will most likely benefit you personally.

Don't: Try to conform to what is “normal”

The energy of the Aquarius zodiac sign is rebellious and countercultural. And because the planets are aligned in Aquarius on this New Moon, you have a chance to realize your most unconventional desires and hopes for the future without worrying about what others think. There are no official rules in life. So stop indulging in other people's expectations of what is appropriate or best. Your views, goals, and tastes are unique, and that's what makes you who you are. Don't sacrifice an ounce of your authenticity—especially during a Moon with such a powerful manifestation force.

On the New Moon on January 29, 2025, you need to: Leave room for surprises

Aquarius energy is always forward-thinking and willing to challenge what is expected of them. And this new moon, anticipating the unexpected will be key as values-driven Venus conjuncts wild-child planet Uranus, Aquarius’ current ruling planet. This conjunction will infuse relationships with an unpredictable sense of excitement, heartfelt revelations, and surprises. Be open to change, as the wild card element of this cosmic alignment may well help you shed old paradigms and embrace a new beginning.

Don’t: Avoid Deep Truths

The Sun and Moon join forces in Aquarius during this lunation. But they’re not alone in this fixed air sign’s realm. Psychic planet Mercury and strategic Pluto will also be conjunct in Aquarius. And this powerful alignment will add intensity and sharpness to your words and ideas during the peak of the new moon. With that in mind, it is important to accept all the truths that are now surfacing, even if they are difficult to accept. Pluto is about transformation. Therefore, diving into the very essence of things will lead to exponential growth and leveling up, if you are ready for it.

Did you know what spiders dream about? Although such a dream is scary, it is not necessarily a sign that something bad will happen.


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