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Laser hair removal or electrolysis: pros, cons, what is better?

If you are tired of your monthly expensive wax hair removal or you can no longer tolerate your legs regularly in the shower, it may be time to consider options for more constant hair removal. Laser hair removal and electrolysis are alternatives of constant hair removal. Although both options are much more expensive than a regular razor, each procedure can greatly facilitate your hair care. Which is better: laser hair removal or electrolysis? down “> Laser hair removal or electrolysis: what is it?

The choice between them depends on many factors, and to choose the best option for you will be much easier after reading this article. Womanel will help you understand what will work for you.

The laser used during laser hair removal affects melanin in the hair follicle. This damages the follicle for several sessions (usually from five 8217; to ten to ten at about four to eight weeks), which ultimately leads to a decrease in hair growth. “This method is best for treating large areas of unwanted hair growth, not one hair, such as armpits or bikini lines,” the doctor explains.

Many people find that laser hair removal reduces the formation of razor tubercles (if they still need to shave this area) or ingrown hairs, and reduces the appearance of dark follicles surrounded by redness, since the follicle decreases significantly.

What is the difference between electrolysis and laser hair removal?

According to the doctor, the technique of electrolysis and laser hair removal is completely different, and the results are also completely different. Once the hair is destroyed by electrolysis, it will never be able to return. Laser hair removal can also permanently damage the hair follicle, but affects it in a unique way and can handle a large area at a time.

“As the laser, you can expect that the hair growth in the treatment area will start thinning first and then disappear,” says the doctor. “You may need repeated sessions.”

another difference between the two procedures is shaving. Before laser hair removal, it is necessary to shave the optimal treatment, as it will help the apparatus to better concentrate energy on the hair follicle rather than on the skin that grows from the skin. According to the doctor, you can not shave before electrolysis, as it will complicate the search for hair and the procedure.

Finally, there is a question of hair color. Laser hair removal is best suited to those who have darker hair. Those who have lighter hair (or gray hair) will not get a great result or no result at all if the pigment is too light. “For the most part, people with a deep skin should only consult an experienced specialist who has a technology that is suitable for the treatment of their skin color,” the doctor advises. “Electrolysis is effective for patients with any hair color and any skin shade.”

Unfortunately, electrolysis is usually more painful than laser hair removal. It is a very concentrated energy, and it can cause burning, even if you have a painkiller. Most people consider laser hair removal not particularly painful, but rather uncomfortable. But new follicles can continue to grow with ’ to appear in the skin, and in this case a new growth is possible, ”the doctor warns. 

For most people, laser hair removal is better than electrolysis, because it is faster, cheaper, less painful and requires less time to recover, source:

Dr. Ferzley recommends asking her dermatologist which option is more suitable. But if you prefer to do without a dermatologist, it recommends electrolysis if you have light, white or gray hair. “We have not yet developed a laser procedure that would work well with hair devoid of pigment,” she says. “I participated in several trials where we tried to mark the hair follicles with silver or gold to find out if the laser will be able to cope with light hair. But the results did not impress. “If you have a deep skin tone, white or blond hair and a small amount of hair you want to destroy, electrolysis will suit you,” the doctor says. “If you want to cover the wider processing area and dark hair, laser hair removal will be suitable.”

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