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Molodi about conflict with Enlao singer

Ukrainian band Molodi, who won second place at the Eurovision-2025 National Selection, gave an interview to the ARTIER PROSTANCE from social culture, reports WOMANEL. and Ivan Stepanishchev (drums) told that they had ever been in the band still Nikita Leontiev, who is now known under the pseudonym enlao.

This is already a stage, we are friends. But at that moment, we were nervous that we were working on a joint project, and he deals with ourselves, and then comes to the studio and can still give some amendments, adjustments. Then it was such a small conflict,

commented. height = “658” src = “ ;Feature=oembed” Frameborder = “0” 0 “Alow =” Accelerometer; Autoplad; clipboard; Gyroscope; For 2-3 months, the trio still tried to play together, but realized that they no longer had a conect. In addition, listen to the competition song of the guys “My Sea” that has conquered the hearts of many listeners.


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