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How do egg whites affect high blood pressure?

eggs are a wonderful source of high-grade protein, and their versatility makes them a great option for any meal. For many years, people with high cholesterol have avoided egg yolks because of their high content, so they were often separated from proteins in recipes. Although egg whites contain about half of the whole egg protein, they do not have saturated fats. But they can have another wonderful advantage. Scientists have tried to understand how egg whites are affected by high blood ’ it was pressure, and have reached unexpected conclusions. Protein on high blood ’ it is pressure? Egg proteins – a healthy option for blood control ’ it can still be done to reduce high blood ’ it is pressure?

that's from ’ WOMANEL about this.

Pregnant women may develop hypertension when they carry a baby before the term. In the 2017 study, published in the International Journal of Science and Research, they studied the effect of this peptide in egg protein on 15 pregnant women with hypertension. After the use of two egg proteins, systolic blood pressure in women decreased by an average of 6.33 mm Hg. Art. (millimeters of mercury), and diastolic – by 5.66 mm Hg. Art. However, only the temporary effect of egg proteins on hypertension was checked in this study.

Instead of simply cooking egg whites, researchers have turned to special hydrolysates of egg white so that antihypertensive peptides are easier to absorb the body. In the 2017 study, published in British Journal of Nutrition, NWT-03 egg whites peptide was given to people with normal, high or moderately high blood pressure daily. When people with mild hypertension took 2 grams of egg white peptide, they had a significant decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, which lasted for 36 hours. The intake of 5 grams of egg white peptide has led to an even greater decrease in blood pressure at night. Egg protein peptide did not affect the blood ’ pressure in people with high or normal blood ’ yan pressure. In this study, people with high blood pressure took 3 grams of egg white peptides for six weeks. They did not find a significant improvement in blood ’ pressure pressure or other cardiovascular health indicators Egg-protein hydrolysis can reduce blood ’ ID = “%D1%8F%D1%94%D1%87%D0%D1%96-%D0%B1%D1%96%D0%BB%D0%D0%D0%D0%D0%D0%B4%D0%D1%D0%D0%D0% 2%d0%b8%d0%b9-%d0%d0%b0%d1%80%D1%96%d0%d0%d0%bd%D1%82-%d0%b4%d0%bb%D1%8F-%D0%BA%D0%D0%D1%BD%82 CLASS = “RB-HEADING-INDEX-1 WP-BLOCK-HEADING”When ordinary egg protein is chemically cleaved into these hydrolyzates, the body absorbs useful proteins faster. This is stated in an article published in 2019 in Scientific World. This process involves the use of deionized water, enzymes and centrifuges. In other words, you should not try to hydrolyze egg white just to make peptides more accessible to your body.

Egg whites are useful and so, even without yolk. If you compare the 100-calorie portions of eggs and egg whites, you will get more than twice as much protein without fat in egg whites. For those who follow their blood ’ yan pressure, six egg whites will give you more than 300 milligrams of potassium. However, they contain about the same amount of sodium. However, memory;In addition to diet low in sodium and potassium (such as dash diet), you can control your blood ’ this pressure, losing excess weight in the waist area. The article published in the Foods magazine in 2022 states that egg whites can help reduce abdominal fat. The protein contained in egg proteins improves fat metabolism in M ​​’ ulcers and liver and perhaps blocks fat absorption from food.

What else can be done to reduce high blood ’ it pressure? activity.

  • Cope with stress.
  • Reach and maintain healthy weight
  • throw smoking. Or do not start.
  • take the drug correctly.
  • What should you eat for high blood ’ ya pressure? Here we shared the best food tips.


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