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Signs and symptoms of heart attack in women

When it comes to a heart attack, you may imagine an elderly man who squeezes breasts dramatically like a movie. The heart attack occurs when the blood flow to the heart is blocked, which leads to the death of cells of the heart M ’ And of course, chest pain is a common symptom of a heart attack. But the signs and symptoms of heart attack in women are different from male.How (and why) are symptoms of heart attack in women? Symptoms of heart attack in women at risk of heart attacks health care should be consulted if you notice the symptoms of heart attack in women

WOMANEL suggests talking about them and reminds them: what you will find out.

What (and why) differ symptoms of heart attack in women? Women have different biology, hormones and even smaller blood vessels. And these biological differences really have a significance to what symptoms can develop in women.

Even how cholesterol accumulates in the arteries, it may look different depending on your gender. Men usually develop blockages in the main cardiac arteries. In women, plaques (fat formations in arteries consisting of cholesterol and calcium) are formed in smaller blood vessels.

It should be noted that the most common symptom, regardless of gender, is pain or compression in the chest, according to Doctor of Medicine Basel Ramlav. There may be a feeling that an elephant sits on your chest and you can punch your sweat. This chest pain can be with ’ Exercise during exercise, after profuse eating or any unusual physical activity.

But other symptoms of heart attack in women may be much thinner and it is easier to wave (more about these symptoms we will tell you later). Many women do not understand that these signs can indicate a heart attack, and therefore they can wait longer. And when they still seek help, healthcare professionals may not take a woman's symptoms for anxiety, which is even more delayed in treatment.

  • Pain or discomfort. It can manifest in one or both hands, back, neck, jaw or even in the abdomen. Some women describe the pain in the upper back as the feeling that someone is inhibited ’ it is a rope around them.
  • you throws in a cold sweat. And we don't talk about your usual glow after workout. It is unusual, unexpectedly and often accompanied by other symptoms.
  • nausea or stomach upset. The nausea you can write on bad food may be more serious, especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms.
  • Dyspnea. If you suddenly feel severe fatigue during the usual action or have a shortness of breath while resting, pay attention. This can happen with or without chest pain.
  • Unusual fatigue. This is not ordinary fatigue at the end of the day. It is an irresistible, unusual exhaustion and weakness that do not pass after rest.
  • easy dizziness or anxiety. Do you feel dizziness or unusual concern for no apparent reason? Don't get rid of this.

  • Other major health conditions of health ’ I. Other risk factors characteristic of women only include autoimmune diseases, such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, some types of breast cancer treatment, as well as mental disorders, such as depression and anxiety.
  • When to consult a doctor if you notice symptoms of a heart attack in women


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