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What is 75 Hard? Rules and how to try the challenge at home

Inspired by the countless people trying the 75 Hard Challenge on your social media feed? It's hard not to get inspired, especially when you see progress photos. But what exactly is 75 Hard, and are the supposed results worth the strenuous effort it requires? Let's find out.

Content What is 75 Hard and what are the rules? What are the pros and cons of 75 Hard? What is 75 Hard: can it help you lose weight?

According to the website, 75 Hard is a “transformative mental toughness program” and not a fitness program, although you can expect to hit the gym if you decide to take on the challenge. It has many benefits, which WomanEL will discuss below.

What is 75 Hard and what are the rules?

The 75 Hard program is not designed for the long term, Source:

75 Hard was created in 2019 by Andy Frisella, an entrepreneur who wanted to improve his mental toughness and discipline. In just a few years, 75 Hard has gone viral on social media.

There are five basic rules to 75 Hard. If you want to get started with the plan, you need to:

  1. Choose a diet (if you're not already on one) and stick to it – this means no cheat days. You'll also have to give up alcohol.
  2. Do two 45-minute workouts every day. One of them should be outdoors.
  3. Drink 3.7 liters of water daily.
  4. Read 10 pages of a motivational non-fiction book every day.
  5. Take a photo of your progress every day.

All five steps must be done every day for 75 consecutive days—or you’ll have to start all over again. It may seem extreme, but Frisella says it’s all part of the plan. “You have to follow the program without compromising on anything. Everything in 75 Hard has a purpose, which you’ll understand once you’ve completed the program,” he writes on the website.

What are the pros and cons of 75 Hard?



What is 75 Hard: Can it help you lose weight?

Maybe. 75 Hard isn't exactly a weight loss program, although some people do it for the potential physical transformation. It's hard to say for sure how much weight you'll lose, as everyone's body is different, and the plan doesn't prescribe any specific diet or exercise regimens.

It also depends on what state you are in when you start the program. If you suddenly start eating healthier or cut out sugar and alcohol when you start 75 Hard, you may see some changes on the scale. An hour and a half a day is also a lot of physical activity. So if you are not moving much now, it is quite possible that you will notice some weight loss.

But each person is different. And weight loss is best achieved through sustainable changes, not through intense trials. All of these factors make it impossible to accurately determine how much weight you can lose during the program.

We recommend paying attention to hybrid workouts. They have proven their effectiveness and are completely simple.


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