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What does it mean to dream of being persecuted? An unexpected interpretation of a popular dream

Being chased in a dream is one of the most disturbing dreams you can experience. It is quite obvious that they often indicate increased anxiety about your waking life. But they can also mean something more about what is chasing you. What does it mean to dream of being chased? What should you prepare for?

Content The meaning of dreams about chasing and persecution from psychology. Varieties of this dream and their meanings. What does it mean to dream of being chased by a stranger? What does it mean to dream of being chased by a friend or loved one? What does it mean to dream of being chased by an animal? Answer to the dream: what does a dream about chasing and persecution mean? Can you stop having dreams about being chased?

WomanEL suggests learning some of the most common interpretations of this dream from the international dream book.

The meaning of dreams about chasing and persecution from psychology

The elements of chase dreams are usually symbolic rather than representational. Moreover, the interpretation of dreams often depends on which branch of psychology or philosophy you are using as a basis for analysis. Dreams—especially vivid ones that usually stay with us into our waking state—can have some special meaning.

In the case of chase dreams, there is a fairly broad consensus (as one would expect) that chase dreams are associated with increased anxiety in waking life and that the common scenario involves the dreamer avoiding acknowledging the cause of this anxiety.

In typically cryptic language, Carl Jung puts it this way:

A chasing dream always means: it wants to come to me. When you dream of a wild bull, or a lion, or a wolf chasing you, it means: it wants to come to you.

You would like it to separate, you perceive it as something foreign – but it becomes even more dangerous. The desire of that which has separated from you to unite with you becomes even stronger.

Although Jung often requires the same interpretation as the dreams he discusses, this is a relatively standard dream interpretation even among modern psychologists – a recurring dream in which the dreamer runs away indicates a person, event, or situation that the dreamer is avoiding.

Varieties of this dream and their meanings

Dreams about being chased mean that you are avoiding something in your life, Source:

Chase dreams vary greatly from one another, except for the fact that they involve a chase. Chase dreams include variations in location—it can be a crowded city block or a desolate wilderness, the pursuer can be human or a beast (mythical or natural), the dreamer may seem to know the pursuer (even if the pursuer remains invisible) or may somehow know the nature of the beast.

Whether you are being chased by a stranger, a friend, a loved one, or an animal, each dream can have a different meaning. Here we will look at each type in more detail:

What does it mean to dream of being chased by a stranger?

This indicates that you are feeling anxious but are unsure of its source. Therefore, dreams of being chased by a stranger require the dreamer to analyze their behavior for avoidance.

What does it mean to dream of being chased by a friend or loved one?

This may not be a fear of the person themselves, but rather of what they represent to you. Think about what their strongest character traits are and whether they represent something about you or your situation that is troubling you.

What does it mean to dream of being chased by an animal?

Again, think about what the animal represents as a problem. What does the animal represent to you and how might it relate to the problems you are facing?

Answer to the dream: what does a dream about chasing and persecution mean?

A general action you should take when faced with a dream that is causing you anxiety is to reflect on its meaning and think about how the dream might relate to your waking life. What are you avoiding? What can you do to face this fear and overcome it? Jung says that the best position is to say, “Please come and consume me!” People should never resist when this element comes into contact with them.

Can you stop having dreams about being chased?

Dreams about being chased can be unsettling and can make you wake up with your heart pounding. But is there a way to stop having these dreams? While you can't completely control your dreams, you may be able to figure out what's causing them and help prevent them from happening in your dreams.

Try keeping a dream journal and understand why you are being chased. Are you avoiding or afraid of something? Are you struggling with a relationship or internal conflict? Are you being chased in your life or is something catching up to you? Resolving your anxiety about the situation can help.

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