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What do colors mean in dreams? The meaning and interpretation of dreams about different colors

In the 20th century, it was widely believed that we could only dream in black and white. A study conducted in 1950 found that only 29% of participants had color dreams, but in 2008, another study found that everyone dreams in color, so what has changed? Well, television. Yes, indeed! The current theory about why our dreams have changed is that color television technically became the norm. As people began to be exposed to color media, the images in our brains also began to change. But why do we dream in color anyway?

Content Color dreams: what do they mean?What do colors mean in dreams: redWhat do colors mean in dreams: pinkWhat do colors mean in dreams: orangeWhat do colors mean in dreams: yellowWhat do green dreams mean?What do dreams about the color blue mean?What do dreams about the color purple mean?Dreams in which the colors are wrongWhat should I do if I have black and white dreams?

WomanEL offers to delve into the psychology that explains how and why we see colored dreams…

Colored dreams: what do they mean?

It is believed that the predominance of one color in dreams indicates a strong emotional state. So if a certain shade appears in your dreams, it may be a hidden message that your subconscious is trying to convey to you.

Dreams with light and bright colors can be associated with positive emotions of hope, security, and happiness. On the opposite end of the color scale, dark colors can represent negative emotions such as fear, horror, and envy.

But remember, colors are very personal, so when it comes to deciphering their meaning, you need to look at significant moments in your own life. Let's take a look at what each color means…

Each color has its own meaning in a dream, Source:

What do the colors mean in dreams: red

Seeing the color red in a dream is most likely a sign that in real life you are experiencing strong emotions for some reason. The color red is very symbolic. And in different cultures it is attributed a huge number of meanings:

In natural and urban landscapes, shades of red attract our attention, which is why they are more likely to be remembered. Pay attention to where the color red appears in your dreams: is someone wearing a red hat? Do you pass by a door of this color and feel the urge to open it? This will help you understand what your brain is working on at night.

What do colors mean in dreams: pink

Softer than red, shades of pink in dreams can signify more playful emotions, such as flirting, so pay attention to someone new in your life who has caught your attention. Pink also symbolizes unconditional love, compassion, and generosity, so people who appear in your dreams wearing pink are likely to evoke positive feelings in you.

On the other hand, it can indicate a desire for these things if you feel unsatisfied in your relationship. So if beautiful pink colors are present in your dreams, perhaps you should take this as a sign to take action.

What do colors mean in dreams: orange

The rich, warm hue of orange is closely associated with energy, ambition, and abundance. It is often seen in the fall when the leaves are changing color, so it can symbolize an emotional transition for you. If you often see orange in your dreams, it may mean that your brain is telling you to go for what you want, even if it means making big changes.

What do the colors mean in dreams: yellow

Yellow is generally considered a happy color, representing warmth, light, and positivity. If your dream features lots of sunny days, buttery colors, and lemon hues, it could mean that you are looking forward to the future and are optimistic about changing circumstances.

What do green dreams mean?

A complex color, green in a dream can symbolize many feelings:

What do dreams about the color blue mean?

With so many shades of blue that have contrasting meanings, blue dreams can have a variety of meanings. For many of us, the color blue is associated with sadness and depression, especially in dark, cool tones. If your dreams have a blue tint or take place under a twilight sky, this may be a manifestation of unhappiness in your waking hours.

Conversely, light, pastel blue is closely associated with summer skies, fresh water, and tranquility. It can signify positive emotions like creativity and honesty, so it's important to remember where you see blue—is it on you? Or on someone else? It can tell you a lot about how you feel about yourself or the people in your life.

What do dreams about the color purple mean?

For centuries, purple has been considered a royal color, symbolizing wealth and power. This is because purple dyes used to be very expensive, but even now, dark shades of purple are considered powerful. A purple sky can mean an approaching storm, and the color purple is often associated with psychic abilities. So watch out for this spiritual warning in your dreams.

Dreams in which the colors are wrong

One factor that can make color memorable in dreams is irrationality. Dreams can be downright absurd, so it's not uncommon to see things that don't match reality. For example, the sky is emerald green or your best friend suddenly became blonde.

These mismatched colors are likely hardwired into our brains as wrong, so we're more likely to remember and laugh about them in the morning. But does it symbolize anything? Most likely, nothing in particular, it's just a signal your brain processes.

Many studies show that the parts of the brain that process visual and emotional information are active during sleep. The parts that help you think logically are not. That's why we can make up such strange stories in our dreams that we can't imagine when we're awake!

What should I do if I have black and white dreams?

Many people still dream in black and white, even if they've never watched black and white television. We still have access to the medium, and grayscale is used in modern movies, so we know what it looks like. Researchers have also found that it can be difficult to remember whether your dream was in color. If nothing stands out, you're more likely to forget whether there was color or not, which can lead us to think we're dreaming in black and white.

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