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What is a crash and why is it often used on social networks?

The modern language of young people is full of slang words that are quickly becoming popular thanks to social networks. One of these words is “crash”. It can be seen in comments, memes, discussions and even in photo captions. But what does it mean? Today, WomanEL tells you what a crash is.

Content Where did the word “crush” come from? How to understand that you have a “crush”? Why did “crush” become popular on social networks? Can a “crush” develop into something more?

Where did the word “crash” come from?

The word crush came to us from English. Translated, it means “to crush,” but in colloquial speech it has taken on a completely different meaning — a strong, sometimes even uncontrollable, fascination with another person.

In Western culture, the word “crush” has long been used to describe a crush on someone, especially when that crush doesn't translate into a serious relationship. For example, if you really like someone but you're not in a relationship with them, that's your “crush.”

What is a crash and why is it often used on social networks? Photo: AI

How to understand that you have a “crush”

Have you ever noticed that someone makes your heart beat faster, even if you just see their photo? Here are some signs that you have a real crush:

Why did “crash” become popular on social media?

Social media has changed the way we perceive love. If before, to like someone, you had to see them at least occasionally, now it's enough to follow a page on Instagram or TikTok.

Thanks to social media, a “crush” doesn't have to be a real person. It can be a celebrity, a blogger, or even a fictional character. In the comments, you can often see phrases like:

Can a “crash” develop into something more?

Yes, if you're lucky and can get close to that person. But it also happens that a “crush” remains just a platonic crush, especially when it comes to celebrities or people we only see on social media.

“Crush” is not just a slang word, but a part of the modern culture of love. It describes that sweet feeling of sympathy, which can be both pleasant and a little painful. The main thing is not to get hung up on it and remember that in real life even more interesting acquaintances can await…

Also learn what a kringe is: meaning, origin, and how to use it in modern language.


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