If you're wondering what sex dreams mean, you're not alone. The vast majority of people have woken up from a sex dream at one point or another. While it can be an exciting experience, you may also feel awkward or confused, especially if you dreamt about having sex with someone unexpected.
Content Why do I dream about sex?What is sex dreaming about: common dreams and their meaningHow to stop dreaming about sex
WomanEL found out why you might be having sex dreams, what different types of sex dreams mean, and how to stop having sex dreams if they bother you.
Why do I have dreams about sex?
According to the “continuity hypothesis,” the meaning of dreams, including sexual dreams, is tied to your waking life. Sometimes, this could mean that your sexual dreams simply symbolize your sexual fantasies or desire to have sex. But more often than not, it's not that simple.
A dream about sex can also symbolize a non-sexual desire or unmet need. Romantic relationships often fulfill several human needs, such as the need for security, social interaction, and self-esteem. For this reason, romantic and sex dreams can be a sign that you are not meeting your needs in one of these areas.
In some cases, sex dreams may simply be a result of your sleeping position. Sleeping on your stomach makes sex dreams more likely, possibly due to the pressure it puts on your genitals.
What does sex mean in dreams: common dreams and their meaning
Dreams about sex often have common recurring themes. The Sleepfoundation explains what they can mean:
- Sex with an ex. In some cases, dreaming about having sex with an ex can mean that you miss them or want to reconnect, but not always. Think about how you felt about your relationship with your ex – this can help you understand what the dream means. If it was a traumatic relationship, the dream may indicate that you need to heal or feel more secure now. If your ex understood you well or gave you a sense of belonging, the dream may indicate that you do not feel that way now.
- Sex with your partner. Dreams about your partner can be less sexual and exciting than dreams about your ex. However, ordinary dreams about your partner don't necessarily mean that you find them boring or that you prefer your ex. They may simply reflect the fact that you spend a lot of time with your partner in your daily life, so their presence in your dreams symbolizes normal, everyday activities, rather than something unusual.
- Sex that is cheating. Dreams about cheating don't mean you really want to change. And they certainly don't count as cheating (although if you're actually cheating, that's a whole other story). Sometimes these dreams come because you've been cheated on in the past or you're feeling jealous in a relationship. You might also dream about cheating because you're feeling distant from your partner and yearning for more intimacy.
- Sex with a stranger. Most often, people dream about sex with past and current partners, but sometimes they also dream about imaginary people they have never met. Often, a dream about sex with a stranger means that you just want to have sex.
- Sex with a friend. Sometimes, dreaming about having sex with a friend indicates that you are attracted to them. But you may find that you dream about having sex with a friend even if they are not the person you are attracted to. In this case, the dream may indicate that you feel close to them or that you would like to feel closer to them. If the friend is someone you consider unavailable, the dream may also indicate a desire to take a risk or do something forbidden.
- Sex with a celebrity. Dreaming about having sex with a celebrity could mean that you are simply in love with them or that you enjoy fantasizing about them. Since celebrities hold such a high position in our society, such dreams can also symbolize that you want to feel special, important, or noticed.
How to stop having sex dreams
Sex dreams are common and normal. But you may find that you want to stop having them, especially if they are recurring. Identifying what your sex dreams symbolize and trying to satisfy your unmet needs may help get rid of the dreams. Avoiding sleeping on your stomach may also help.
In some cases, dreams about sex may be related to past trauma or current mental illness and can affect sleep. For example, studies have shown that frequent dreams about sex are more common in people who were abused as children. Nightmares are also more common in people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, which can occur after an assault.
If your sex dreams are too frequent, involve assault or aggression, or are causing you distress, see a therapist or doctor. There are a variety of treatments available to help you cope with nightmares and recover from trauma, including dream rehearsal therapy and medication.
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