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Ukraine Wins 13th Gold at 2024 Paralympic Games with World Record

 Ukraine wins 13th gold medal at 2024 Paralympic Games with world record

Anastasia Moskalenko defended her title of Paralympic champion in shot put.

Ukraine won its thirteenth gold medal at the 2024 Paralympic Games in Paris. Anastasia Moskalenko became the best in shot put (class F32).

In the final, she set a new world record – 8 meters. In the fight for “gold”, the Ukrainian beat the current world champion Vanna-Gelena Brito Oliveira from Brazil by 11 centimeters.

Thus, Anastasia defended the title of Paralympic champion in shot put. At the Tokyo 2020 Games, she triumphed with a Paralympic record of 7.61 meters.

Now the Ukrainian team has 52 medals at the Paris Paralympics: 13 gold, 18 silver and 21 bronze.

Ukraine rose to seventh place in the medal count and is fifth in the number of awards won.

The Paralympic Games in Paris will last until September 8. Ukraine is represented by 140 athletes competing in 17 sports. This is a record number of sports in the Paralympic history of Ukraine.

Recall that at the previous Summer Paralympic Games, which took place in 2021 in Tokyo, Ukrainian athletes won 98 awards: 24 gold, 47 silver and 27 bronze. With this result, Ukraine took sixth place in the medal count and became fifth in the number of awards.

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