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Cynicism has no limits: traitor Tymoshchuk donated a T-shirt to auction to help Kursk region

 Cynicism has no boundaries: traitor Tymoshchuk donated a T-shirt to auction to help the Kursk region

Former captain of the Ukrainian national football team Anatoliy Tymoshchuk joined the Russian military auction.

Former captain of the Ukrainian national team Anatoliy Tymoshchuk, who was officially erased from the history of Ukrainian football, continues to help the Russian occupiers.

This time, the 45-year-old traitor of Ukraine donated a St. Petersburg Zenit T-shirt with his autograph to an auction, the proceeds of which will go to help the Kursk region, where the Ukrainian Armed Forces are currently conducting an operation.

The corresponding photo of Tymoshchuk with the T-shirt was published by the media of the aggressor state. It is reported that the lot was bought for 700 thousand rubles (about 312 thousand hryvnia).

Recall that on March 11, 2022, the Control and Disciplinary Committee of the UAF decided to punish Tymoshchuk, who, after the start of Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine, did not stop working on the coaching staff of St. Petersburg's Zenit and did not condemn the actions of the terrorist state.

Anatoly was stripped of all titles, awards, honorary titles, a coaching license and was banned for life from engaging in football activities on the territory of Ukraine.

Later, the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine imposed personal sanctions against Tymoshchuk for a period of 10 years. He was banned from entering Ukraine. He was also stripped of all state awards, has no right to receive land plots as property, and all his assets – finances, movable and immovable property – were blocked.

Tymoshchuk was the record holder for the number of matches played for the Ukrainian national team – 144 matches in the blue and yellow jersey.

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