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How to quickly and easily remember road signs: some important tips

How to quickly and easily remember road signs: some important tips

Photo: How to quickly and effectively remember road signs (Getty Images) Author: Konstantin Shirokun

The traffic rules contain almost three hundred road signs, and an inexperienced driving school student is initially surprised – how can you learn them all to the last one? It is possible, if you approach the matter creatively.

Read about several traffic rules tips that are useful not only for novice drivers in the RBC-Ukraine article.

There are countries where there are practically no road signs in our understanding – drivers receive all driving instructions in the form of short inscriptions on signs.

But about half of the world's countries – including Ukraine – live according to the Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals of 1968. Which provides for 8 groups of signs:

It is clear that the authors of the Convention took care to make it easier for the driver to identify and remember these almost 300 signs.

Main differences between signs

To start with, to remember the most important signs, instructors advise dividing them by shape – triangular, round and rectangular.

In brief

It is really difficult to master the huge amount of information contained in the Road Traffic Regulations in a month or two of training at a driving school. Therefore, if you are still only planning your future training, you can already begin to study some materials. And you can start with the signs, because here you are unlikely to harm yourself by violating the teaching methodology. As mentioned above, start by studying the systematization of signs and plates, and then move on to memorizing each specific sign.

In preparing this article, the Traffic Rules of Ukraine and the Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals of 08.10.1968 were used .

Let us recall that RBC-Ukraine recently reported why pedestrians are not always right.

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