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The Cabinet of Ministers redistributed almost 200 million hryvnia for the purchase of medical products and cars

The government redistributed almost 200 million UAH for the purchase of medical products, specialized sanitary vehicles and other healthcare needs.

This was announced in a Telegram by the permanent representative of the Cabinet of Ministers in the Verkhovna Rada Taras following the results of the government meeting Melnychuk, Ukrinform reports.

In particular, the government distributed the balance of the state budget special fund, the source of which was funds received in 2023 to an account to meet healthcare needs opened by the Ministry of Health in the National Bank.

According to Melnychuk, the Ministry of Health established the amount of expenses in the amount of 198 million 825.29 thousand UAH (of which consumption expenses – in the amount of 38 million 968.46 thousand UAH, development expenses – in the amount 159 million 856.83 thousand UAH) under the new budget program for the purchase of medical products (in particular, expensive medical equipment), specialized ambulance vehicles and services for technical inspection, examination, checking technical condition and testing.

It has been established that under this budget program the main manager of state budget funds and the responsible executor is the Ministry of Health, the recipient of budget funds is the state enterprise “Medical Procurement”, which falls under the management of the Ministry of Health.

As reported, the regions will receive another 40 ambulances, which were purchased by the State Enterprise “Medical Procurement” financed by UNITED24.

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