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In the Kyiv region, Okhmatdyt doctors examined about 180 children

In the Makarovsky territorial society of the Kiev region, doctors of the NSDSL “Okhmatdet” conducted the first on-site survey in 2024, during which about 180 children in the community were counseled.

A Ukrinform correspondent reports this.

“We plan to examine 180 children. During such visits, our doctors issue electronic cards for children, enter all the data into our electronic database, and each child receives an advisory conclusion. Locally there are problems in providing qualified medical care; there are often no highly specialized doctors in the regions. We have a large team of doctors. During the day of such an appointment, children receive consultations from professional specialists, laboratory tests, an electrocardiogram; if necessary, children are sent for further examination to our clinic or for hospitalization in a specialized department of our hospital,” the head of the first pediatric department said during a conversation with reporters. /p>

According to her, Okhmatdyt began the project “Let’s preserve the health of children in conditions of military aggression” in May 2022. and regularly conducts such on-site consultations since the beginning of the de-occupation of the Kyiv region and in a number of regions. In particular, a team of doctors from Okhmatdyt visited Vinnitsa, Sumy, Chernigov, and Dnepropetrovsk regions. In total, since May 2022, Okhmatdyt specialists have examined more than 23 thousand children.

As Medvedeva notes, children’s stay in shelters, bomb shelters, combat operations, the current lack of normal nutrition, limited access to medical care and many other factors lead to a significant deterioration in children’s health.

“We see that staying in closed spaces, basement shelters, and experiences cause the development of so-called psychosomatic diseases. Nowadays, children often have problems with the endocrine system because they “eat” food. stress, there is a decrease in social and physical activity, excess weight has appeared, and increased sugar levels and problems with the thyroid gland, gastrointestinal disorders. Deterioration of air quality causes an increase in allergological and pulmonary problems. Also, medical psychologists always travel with us, who provide professional consultations for children and, if necessary, for parents,” Medvedeva said.

According to her, about 10% of children after such on-site examinations are sent to hospitalization, 30% – for additional examinations and consultations at the Ohmatdyt clinic.

As Vladimir Zabela, a representative of the MHP-Hromady charitable foundation, told reporters, the foundation purchased for brigade “Okhmatdet” hematology analyzer Thanks to this equipment, blood tests can be performed and results obtained during such on-site consultations. According to him, this is not the first joint initiative between the doctors of Okhmatdyt and the foundation. We focus on de-occupied territories, there is a request for such an initiative and we are implementing it, it will be throughout Ukraine. We are already organizing such trips in the Kyiv, Sumy, and Dnepropetrovsk regions,” Zabela said.

As Ukrinform reported, Okhmatdyt is the largest children’s hospital in Ukraine. Its history began in 1894, when, at the expense of the outstanding entrepreneur and philanthropist N.A. Tereshchenko, the Kyiv Tsarevich Nicholas Hospital for unskilled workers and low-income people was opened. On February 1, Okhmatdyt celebrated its 130th anniversary.

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