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The incidence of ARVI and COVID influenza in Ukraine is gradually decreasing – chief sanitary doctor

The incidence of ARVI, influenza and COVID-19 is gradually decreasing, the epidemic threshold has been exceeded only in the Chernivtsi region.

About this on the air of the national telethon “Unified News” said Deputy Minister of Health, Chief State Sanitary Doctor Igor Kuzin, Ukrinform reports.

"Currently, the epidemiological threshold has been exceeded only in the Chernivtsi region. In other regions, the situation has stabilized, and the number of cases registered in other regions is not risky and does not exceed the epidemiological threshold. Therefore, we predict that from March onwards the situation will improve and the number of new cases will decrease.” – said Kuzin.

According to him, there is now a gradual decline in the peak incidence rates of influenza, ARVI and COVID, which were recorded previously. Over the past week, the incidence among adults has decreased by 16%, among children by 18%. Last week, almost 2,000 Ukrainians suffered from influenza and ARVI, almost 53% of them were children. Hospitalization continues, but for the vast majority of children,” Kuzin said.

Also, as the state sanitary doctor added, the situation with the incidence of COVID is stabilizing.

“At the beginning of the epidemic season, since October, we registered from 8 to 10 thousand cases (per week – ed.), now we register just over 2 thousand cases within one week,” Kuzin said.

In general, since the beginning of the epidemic season, according to him, 3.1 million Ukrainians, or almost 9% of the population, have been ill with influenza, ARVI and COVID.

The Deputy Minister added that vaccination against both influenza and against COVID remains the main means of preventing the disease and preventing severe disease.

Flu can be vaccinated throughout the entire epidemic season, vaccines can be purchased in pharmacies.

COVID vaccines purchased with state funds and provided by international As reported, about 12 thousand doses of influenza vaccine were delivered to Ukraine for free vaccinations of patients at risk: people over 60 years of age, children over 6 months, pregnant women, people with chronic diseases, as well as people from occupational risk groups, working with the population and in large teams (health workers, teachers, salespeople, etc.).

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