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Lviv surgeons removed a tumor from a teenager that could have caused respiratory arrest

Photo Surgeons at the St. Nicholas Children's Hospital of the First Medical Unit in Lvov performed a complex operation during which they removed a tumor on the neck of a 15-year-old boy.

The medical institution reported this on Facebook, Ukrinform reports.

“Lvov doctors removed a tumor on the neck of a 15-year-old guy that could have killed him at any moment” , – the message says.

It is noted that the operation was very risky, because the tumor was located at the site of the plexus of vital vessels and nerves. It could cause respiratory arrest or a stroke. Surgeons at the children's hospital weighed all the risks and took on this extremely complex intervention.

Patient –ndash; 15-year-old Artyom from Odessa. When the war began, the guy and his family went abroad. While abroad, the teenager noticed a swelling on his neck. Over time, it increased to the size of a small chicken egg. Abroad, the guy had an ultrasound and was told that it could be a tumor. The family returned to Odessa, and at home the young men were further examined, MRI and CT scans were performed and the suspicions of foreign specialists were confirmed.

<img title="Lviv surgeons removed a tumor from a teenager that could have led to respiratory arrest" ://" alt="Lviv surgeons removed a teenager with a tumor that could cause respiratory arrest >At the time of the last preoperative examination, the tumor was already the size of a pear and was noticeably compressing the airways. The diameter of the young man's trachea narrowed by four times. up to 6 millimeters. While the norm – from 1.6 cm to 2.5. Without urgent intervention, the tumor could simply strangle Artem. After confirming that the tumor was benign, doctors began highly complex surgery. The guy was operated on under a microscope so as not to damage the blood vessels and preserve vital nerves. In addition, Lviv specialists used special ultrasonic scissors, because this equipment independently selects the required tissue heating temperature and minimizes blood loss.

The medical institution informed that the operation lasted about three hours. The team of pediatric surgeons managed to avoid touching any vital vessels and nerves and completely remove the tumor.

Now Artem is absolutely healthy and has already returned to Odessa.

As Ukrinform reported, in the Rivne regional hospital, for the first time, a tumor was removed from the brain of a patient who was conscious.

Photo: First Medical Association of Lvov


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