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The first facial muscle plastic surgery in Ukraine was performed in Lvov

Photo At the First Medical Association of Lvov, surgery for plastic surgery of facial muscles was performed, during which doctors restored beauty to a woman from the Lugansk region, whose face was disfigured by Russian ammunition.

This was reported by the Lviv City Council, Ukrinform reports.

It is noted that the surgeons at the Indestructible center have been working for a month. and plastic surgeons of the aesthetic medicine center were preparing for a unique surgical intervention for Ukraine. myoplasty of facial paralysis – that is, the restoration of the ability to express emotions. The multidisciplinary team included more than a dozen specialists – maxillofacial, reconstructive and plastic surgeons, neurologists, neurophysiologists, doctors of functional diagnostics and physical rehabilitation medicine, dermatologists. The team was advised by French doctors.

Patient –ndash; 63-year-old Natalya Apolkova, a resident of Rubizhne in the Luhansk region. After the start of the war, an enemy shell arrived at her house. Small debris chopped up the entire upper part of the body, including the face. As a result of a severe mine-explosive injury, facial paralysis occurred: the muscles ceased to perform their function.

During the preparation process, doctors will examine in detail all the damaged facial muscles and find out which of them can be moved to the area, which will restore facial expressions. Together, the doctors found a solution: to perform a transposition, that is, moving the temporal muscle.

Oncoplastic surgeon Ruslan Salinko and I separated the temporal muscle, lowered it to the corner of the mouth and sutured it to the muscles to restore the function and symmetry of the face. Everything worked out. We are satisfied with the result. The operation itself is so complicated because there are many dangerous anatomical structures in the facial area, damage to which can even carry the risk of death. That’s why every stage of the operation was so carefully planned in advance,” said the maxillofacial surgeon at the Indestructible center. Oleg Kovtunyak.

The operation lasted six hours and was successful. The next day, Natalya began working with a speech and language therapist to re-master her facial expressions. Ahead of her is rehabilitation that will last the whole year. But today a woman cannot enjoy the result – she smiles again.

As Ukrinform reported, specialists from the Indestructible Center (UNBROKEN) – within the framework of the joint social project “Not (K) beauty” with L&Oreal – plastic surgery will be performed on Kherson region resident Irina Slinkova, who was shot in the face by a Russian soldier.

Photo: Lviv City Council

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