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How to improve brain health and prevent dementia at 50 years old?

Follow these rules so that the memory does not get worse over the years.

Are you already 50? You need to think about how to keep your brain healthy and increase the chances of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. Although age, family history and genetics play a big role in the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia, new studies show that you can do a lot to reduce your chances. How to improve health ’ I brain and prevent dementia? > Why is it important to protect your brain at 50 years

Alzheimer's disease does not occur quickly or suddenly. On the contrary, it is a progressive disease that develops and exacerbates gradually over many years. Studies have shown that the alzheimer's disease in the brain – such as anomalous protein, called amyloid plaques or tau tassels – begins to form at least a decade before memory problems with memory and thinking and thinking. This stage, called Alzheimer's preclinical disease, is when changes in the brain occur before the symptoms of dementia.

But here's the thing: not all people with such changes develop dementia. Although scientists still do not know why some people develop Alzheimer's disease and others do not, with ’ That is, even if genetics makes you vulnerable, you can slow down (and possibly prevent) reducing cognitive abilities if you keep healthy habits.

And the sooner the better. “Promotion of health ’ I must be a matter of life – it is never too late or too late to think about what we can do to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and dementia.” This is what Claire Secton, a neurobiology from the Global Institute of Health ’ I brain. and risk

“Having parents, siblings with Alzheimer's disease can increase your risk. But it does not mean that you have to develop Alzheimer's disease, ”Secton says. Although it may be scary to know that you are at high risk, try to move your spirit. Your future can be changed. Again, genes are “this is just part of the equation,” she says.

In fact, knowledge of family history and risk factors can be useful and even motivate you to pay priority to health care. So consider it a call for an action to double the amount of healthy habits for the brain.When you learn something new – for example, you get a hobby or attend classes in the library, you make your brain work, literally. And the more you will test your brain, the healthier it will be. This is true: keeping the severity of the mind can be of great benefit in the future.

It turns out that learning also has a great impact on brain work. Education can help create a cognitive reserve – the ability of the brain to withstand damage that can lead to dementia. Studies show that education helps the brain to form more synapses (CLOSE (CLOSES, BRANCE CLOSS CONTRACTS), although the exact process is not fully understood. A greater number of synapses can also mean increased cognitive reserve, which potentially reduces the risk of dementia.

Conclusion. Learn all your life. Learning a new language, try to do creativity or acquire a new skill. There is an endless set of ways to stay inquisitive.How to improve health ’ i brain in 50As already mentioned, studies have revealed a close connection with#8217; However, as loneliness affects the brain, it is not fully understood. Past studies have shown that lonely people tend to have signs that make them vulnerable to reduce cognitive abilities such as smaller brain size, more brain injuries and a weaker executive function (the ability to plan, concentrate and memorize ’ instructions). Event that you like and attract like -minded people. Here are some ideas:

Hold Meditation to prevent depression and dementia, source:

The study, published in July 2023 in Jama Neurology, showed that the risk of dementia in people with depression increases more than twice. Although it has not been fully studied between depression and dementia, we know that the treatment of depression can potentially reduce the risk of reducing cognitive abilities in the later stages of life. Consider this M ’ which is a reminder of the need to pay paramount attention to your mental health ’ Here are some tips:

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