• 01/03/2025 07:30

In Transcarpathia, due to the border blockade, production at the largest factories in the region is under threat

На Закарпатті через блокаду кордону - під загрозою виробництво на найбільших заводах області

In Transcarpathia, due to blockades and queues at the borders, the production of the largest factories in the region is under threat – they are reducing work shifts.

The head of the Transcarpathian OV Viktor Nikita stated this in an interview with Ukrinform.

“Yes, we have problems ( due to blockades of the borders with the EU by Poles and Slovaks – ed. ) . Now I personally negotiate every day through consular offices to get some trucks out of the queue at the border, because our production facilities are becoming capacity of the largest enterprises in the region (we are talking about the Jabil, Yazaki and Flex plants, located in different communities of the region – ed.). They are cutting production and work shifts,” Nikita said.

According to the head of the OBA, as a result of the border blockade in Transcarpathia, people are losing their jobs and wages.

“I keep this under personal control – so that these factories do not stop. For the society in Kholmoka, for example, this is a loss of about 30 million UAH in taxes, and these are people without work during the war. This is scary,” said the head of the OVA.

As Ukrinform previously reported, in Transcarpathia it is necessary to open at least three new checkpoints on the borders with the EU soon in order to minimize economic losses from the blockade of borders by European carriers.


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