• 20/03/2025 11:15

Ukrainians can pay less for low-quality utilities: what is needed for this

Ukrainians can pay less for low-quality utilities: what is needed for this

The claim act is considered valid if it is signed by at least two consumers.

Ukrainians can draw up a claim act if they received low-quality utility services. For example, if cold water comes out of the tap instead of hot water.

This is mentioned in the explanation of the State Consumer Service.

In Ukraine it is valid Law “On Housing and Communal Services”, which provides for specific mechanisms for protecting consumer rights.

“Reporting a violation”

First you need to record the circumstances that led to failure to provide or poor quality provision of public services.

Next, contact your service provider in writing and report the violation (recommended letter with return receipt requested or in person, with a receipt stamp on your copy at the office).

“The utility service provider or apartment building manager is obliged arrive at the consumer’s call within the time limits specified in the contract for the provision of the relevant services, but no later than within 1 day from the receipt of the consumer’s claim,” the message says.

What what to do if you haven’t received a response

Please note that the results of checking the quality of services can be appealed in court.

If within 24 hours a representative of the service provider does not appear or refuses without justification for signing the claim act, then the act is considered valid if it is signed by at least two consumers, indicating their address, full name, signature.

“The claim act is sent to the utility service provider or apartment building manager by registered mail; if the utility service provider or apartment building manager is within five working days after registration act does not provide the executor with an answer, the consumer has the right to contact the State Food and Consumer Service,” the message explained.

Recall that Minister of Energy German Galushchenko said that because of the Russian attacks for energy facilities in Ukraine, there is a possibility of an increase in the electricity tariff for the population.

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