• 12/03/2025 07:11

The government continued to provide assistance for living expenses for IDPs

Today, January 26, the government adopted a resolution to extend accommodation payments for internally displaced persons (IDPs). Payment of assistance to all IDPs who received it before February 1 will be automatically extended until March 1 (without additional appeal). This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Social Policy.

The government continued to pay assistance for living expenses for IDPs

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In addition, from March 1, 2024, payments for IDPs will be extended for the majority of current recipients of payments – those IDPs who belong to the most vulnerable categories of citizens.

Thus, from March 1, payments are automatically extended for another 6 months for categories of IDPs who do not have the opportunity to work, namely:

    for pensioners whose pension as of January 1, 2024 does not exceed UAH 9,444 (four subsistence minimums for persons who have lost their ability to work); persons with disabilities of group I or II, children with disabilities under the age of 18, seriously ill children (a detailed list is in the resolution); orphans and children deprived of parental care, persons from among them under the age of 23, as well as parent-educators and adoptive parents.

In addition, a significant number of IDPs will also be able to receive an extension of payments for another 6 months after submitting a new application for payment of benefits.


Families can apply for reassignment of assistance for IDPs from March 1 starting from February 1, 2024. For those who meet the criteria of the resolution and who submit a new application in February – March 2024, assistance will be assigned and paid starting March 1.

Condition for extending payments

Condition for extending payments for an additional 6 months – the fact that the income in such families does not exceed 9,444 UAH per person (this is equal to four subsistence minimums for persons who have lost their ability to work, or, say, 37,776 UAH for a family of 4 persons).< /p>

Thus, for another 6 months, those families who have children under 14 years of age, who do not have the opportunity to attend educational and educational institutions, or education takes place in a hybrid format (offline and online), will be able to receive payments for IDPs, so parents do not have the opportunity to work.< /p>

In particular, IDP families with children under 14 years of age living in a zone of active or possible hostilities will have the right to extend assistance. And also families with children under 14 years of age who live in relatively safe regions of Ukraine, but in these settlements there is no opportunity to send the child to kindergartens, and schooling takes place in an online format.

Also, assistance will be extended to families in which one of the family members is caring for a person with a Group I disability, or a child with a disability under 18 years of age, or a seriously ill child (a detailed list of cases will be published additionally).

In addition , assistance will be extended to minor children arriving unaccompanied by their parents and pregnant women (starting from the 30th week of pregnancy).

Incentives for employment

“The adopted changes should help stimulate internally displaced persons of working age to find employment,” the message says.

The number of recipients of assistance to internally displaced persons in Ukraine as of December 1, 2023 is 2.6 million people, among them — people of working age – almost 1.3 million people. However, only about 40% of able-bodied IDPs are currently working, more than half are not employed.

Therefore, assistance will continue to families in which able-bodied persons have found employment, registered as an individual entrepreneur and started a corresponding activity/or received assistance to gain economic independence/micro-grant to create or develop their own business/or received a voucher for education, etc. e. There are children under the age of 14.

In addition, continued payment of living allowance for IDPs will be available to families in which a non-working able-bodied person on the date of application was registered at the employment center as unemployed or as looking for work, but not yet employed, and the family has children who study at schools/universities .

At the same time, if, after reassigning the benefit for an additional 6 months, an able-bodied non-working family member who is not caring for children or persons with disabilities does not contribute to his employment (for example, he is deregistered at the Employment Center ), – payment of benefits will be stopped.

Thus, the payment mechanism will be associated with encouraging IDPs of working age to find employment and obtain their own sources of income for the family, and thereby help the family get back on its feet after displacement and integrate to new communities.

In addition, according to the adopted government decree, from now on IDPs who received assistance and refused it, or were deregistered as internally displaced persons due to the fact that such persons returned to abandonment place of residence, but were forced to leave it again, will also be able to apply for assistance for residence again.


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