• 14/03/2025 03:47

Business called for finalizing the mobilization bill before the second reading

The Verkhovna Rada today adopted in the first reading bill No. 10449, which proposes to improve legislation on mobilization. The European Business Association expressed its position on this bill.

Business called for finalizing the mobilization bill before the second reading

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“Yes, the community does not support the document in its current edition, in particular because it contains signs of a violation of the Constitution of Ukraine and may have negative consequences for the country’s economy as a whole,” the message says.

Standards that caused concern for business

In particular, among the regulations that caused concern for business are the following:

    registration in the conscript’s electronic account should not be an obligation, since not all citizens of Ukraine have technical means and access to the Internet; the day of delivery of the summons is not the day of its receipt, but the day of its sending (for example, to the conscript’s electronic account), that is, virtually anyone can be accused of evasion without providing real evidence; mandatory military registration of citizens permanently residing abroad is introduced, without explaining the goals and mechanisms for implementing such registration; an obligation is introduced to clarify within 60 days from the start date of mobilization (i.e. after February 24, 2022) your credentials through the administrative services center or through the conscript’s electronic account; an obligation is being introduced for enterprise managers to ensure that employees liable for military service are delivered to the TCC to clarify the data – so the question for business is how this should be done, because business has the power to inform, but not to coerce; additional powers are being introduced for the police, territorial authorities, in terms of mobilization and verification of military registration documents, etc., which will place additional burden and unusual functions on employees, and will also have high corruption risks, in particular regarding pressure on business and etc.


At the same time, the business community shared a number of proposals, in particular:

    enshrine in legislation the period for booking workers at 12 months in order to synchronize it with a decision on the criticality of such an enterprise for the national economy; allow military personnel to update their credentials after a reservation decision without losing their reservation; rethink the measures of influence, because for now, it seems, they will still have more of a corruption and punitive component, rather than a motivating (what the country needs now) component, etc.

It is noted that the relevant comments and suggestions from the community sent almost 100 pages.

“The European Business Association appeals to the head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence, Alexander Zavitnevich, with a call to create a working group to finalize the draft before the second reading, which will also include representatives from business.

Otherwise, the consequences of influence on the economy and the country as a whole may be irreparable and the big question is who will be responsible for them,” the Association emphasized.


The “Ministry of Finance” wrote that in the bill No. 10449 states that the bank accounts of those liable for military service who evade visits to the TCC and SP will be arrested by court decision. But not immediately – the bill provides for several stages until the accounts are blocked.

On January 30, the Cabinet of Ministers approved and sent to the Verkhovna Rada a new version of the bill on mobilization and military registration. Bill No. 10449 replaced the previous government bill No. 10378, which had to be withdrawn in early January due to criticism.

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