• 03/03/2025 12:58

Zheleznyak calculated whether Ukraine's budget can do without US aid

As of today, Ukraine's need for external financing for 2025 is $42 billion. Deputy Chairman of the Tax Committee of the Verkhovna Rada Yaroslav Zheleznyak wrote about this in a telegram channel.

Железняк подсчитал, может ли бюджет Украины обойтись без помощи США

► Read the telegram channel “Minfina”: main financial news

What Ukraine has in terms of sources for 2025-2026

    IMF about $4.6 billion (where $2.7 billion in 2025).

    The World Bank is about $20 billion. This is mainly money for the income of Russian assets, which the US provided. But formally they are already money from the World Bank.

    EU within the Ukraine Facility 12.5 billion euros in 2025.

    Another $20 billion from the EU, within the same money from the income of Russian assets (preferably taken this year).

    Canada, Japan and Great Britain provide another $10 billion (Britain even provides income from Russian assets for weapons).

“I think we can still add a little money from Norway, Australia and other countries and institutions here. If you add up all these amounts, it will become clear that we are theoretically covered by the necessary $42 billion for 2025. And we can also keep the normal amount for 2026,” Zheleznyak wrote.

According to him, the US is not included in these calculations. “Trump only has a very theoretical opportunity to somehow influence two institutions (the IMF and the World Bank). But even with such a risk, without them, the math still works out for this year. Which is good,” he explained.

But, as the Deputy Chairman of the Tax Committee explains, that’s almost all (except $3 billion from Britain).

“We are talking about non-military expenses. And we are also almost completely financing the war “with our own money”. Here, too, everything is ok “with our own money”: two months of the year have already passed with a slight overfulfillment of the plan. And it seems that we will collect these 2.2 trillion. But here the main risk is how we will cover the purchase of weapons that were previously provided by the USA. To be honest, I do not know whether it is technically possible to replace even with the money. But it is obvious that our military expenses are very likely to increase significantly. That is, the need to increase domestic revenues,” Zheleznyak explained.

Therefore, according to him, it is urgent to forget about any non-military expenditures and initiatives financed with domestic resources.

“Now, for tens of billions, I can immediately cite two of them: the idiotic idea with cashback and this distribution of 1000 UAH, and the idiotic and corrupt decision to spend 30-40 billion UAH on buying Russian nuclear junk from the Bulgarians,” he concluded.

    US Budget


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