• 27/07/2024 02:58

Gerasimov proposed a special plan for Putin for Ukraine: the source said what they want to do

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Donpress reported this information, citing sources from the Kremlin Snuffbox, reports URA-Inform “.

He made the above statement after analyzing the situation around the assault on Avdiivka in the Donetsk region.

«In the area near Avdeevka, we lose from 150 to 200 people every day, they die. About a hundred more people — in the Kupyansky direction. In addition, there are other difficult sections of the front. It is obvious that we cannot refuse to take Avdeevka. However, no one understands how to move forward with such a depleted army», — quoted a military source.

Another source added that Gerasimov is currently preparing a proposal for Russian President Vladimir Putin to take Avdievka and switch to defensive actions for at least 4-6 months. After the army has regained its strength, it is proposed to set serious tasks for it. A general close to Gerasimov emphasized:

«Now we are not even able to win small victories, all this is obvious. The army is exhausted. If we regain our strength, we will be able to set significant goals for ourselves. Kharkov, Odessa, Kherson, Dnepropetrovsk, perhaps even Kyiv. But first you need to rest», — he said at the end.

Let us recall what will happen if the United States stops helping Ukraine: the head of the CIA presented his forecast.

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