• 13/03/2025 13:12

Trump issued an ultimatum to NATO: the White House reacted sharply to the scandalous statement

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This information was reported by The Guardian, reports URA-Inform.  

During a campaign rally in South Carolina, Former US President Donald Trump said that he was ready to encourage a Russian invasion of NATO countries. He said that during his presidency he told NATO leaders that if they didn't pay their debts, he would “let Russia do whatever they want.”

So, he recalled one of the meetings with NATO leaders. «One of the presidents of a large country stood up and said:

«Sir, if we don’t pay, the Russian Federation will attack us« 8212; will you protect us? «. I said: «You haven't paid? Are you overdue? «. He said: “Yes, let’s say this happened.” I replied: «No, I will not protect you, moreover, I will encourage them to do whatever they want. You have to pay»».

The White House called Trump's words «terrible and senseless».

«Encouraging invasions of our closest allies by murderous regimes is terrible and baseless— and it jeopardizes U.S. national security, global stability, and our economy at home», — said White House spokesman Andrew Bates.

We recall that it was previously reported that in Germany they were called to prepare for war: when Russian aggression is predicted.

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