• 15/03/2025 03:31

What will happen to evading mobilization after a fine of 25 thousand hryvnia: lawyer’s answer

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What will happen to evading mobilization after a fine of 25 thousand hryvnia. The new mobilization law, which comes into force on May 18, introduces a number of enforcement measures for citizens to report to the Territorial Recruitment Centers to update their  data.

This information was reported by Today, reports URA-Inform.  

Lawyer Oleg Gorbachev shared information about ways in which the state will encourage citizens to get their military records in order within 60 days after the new mobilization law comes into force.

One of the main points is a significant increase in the size of fines for evading mobilization. If previously a fine of 510 to 850 hryvnia was imposed for this, now the amount will increase to 17 thousand — 25.5 thousand hryvnia.

At the same time, Oleg Gorbachev advises not to delay paying the fine if it has been imposed, since otherwise the evader may face more serious problems. Gorbachev noted that a citizen retains the right to appeal a fine even after he has paid it.

«So, if you intend to do this, it is still better to first pay the required amount of the fine to avoid blocking of accounts, and only then go to court», the lawyer advised..

In addition In addition, significantly tougher fines are also provided for employers who hide information about their employees during wartime. In particular, they can now be punished with a fine of 34 thousand to 59 thousand hryvnia.

Although in the legal practice of Oleg Gorbachev there have not yet been cases when Territorial Acquisition Centers imposed sanctions on companies, he warns that with the introduction of a new law on mobilization, the situation may change.

Gorbachev also emphasizes that now in various broadcasts, Ukrainian officials, deputies and representatives of law enforcement agencies unanimously repeat that new fines for draft evaders begin to take effect the next day after the adoption of the law in parliament. However, he noted, this is contrary to the current legislation of Ukraine.

We recall that it was previously reported that Ukrainians should wait for a meeting with the police on memorial days: they are aware of inspections of cemeteries.

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