• 12/03/2025 08:25

Beer Can Be Good for You: Unexpected Health Benefits of Drinking It Are Named

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Scientists have named six health benefits from moderate consumption of this intoxicating drink.

This information was reported by Ua-novosti, reports “URA-Inform”.

Beer is one of the oldest drinks known to mankind: archaeologists have found beer recipes even in Egyptian tombs. It is not surprising that the properties of this foamy drink have attracted the attention of scientists, and many of them admit that moderate beer consumption can bring certain benefits.

Antioxidant action

It is believed that the quality of beer can be determined by its color: the darker the beer, the higher the level of antioxidants. Antioxidants help fight free radicals that cause oxidative stress in cells, which is associated with the risk of developing many chronic diseases.

Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease

Although excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health, moderate beer consumption is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease. Harvard researchers have found that drinking one glass of beer with a strength of up to 5 degrees a day can have a beneficial effect on the health of blood vessels and blood pressure.

Improved Blood Sugar Levels

According to researchers from Southeast University in China, one glass of light beer a day can reduce the risk of developing diabetes. After analyzing 10 studies, it was found that moderate beer consumption improves glucose metabolism, which in turn has a positive effect on insulin and blood sugar levels.

Increased Bone Strength

Studies have shown that in women who have gone through menopause, moderate beer consumption can strengthen bones. This is due to the minerals contained in the drink, which have a beneficial effect on bone structure.

Reduced Risk of Dementia

One of the substances contained in beer, nicotinamide riboside, is considered the “molecule of youth,” which helps protect the brain from age-related diseases.

In addition, moderate beer consumption can stimulate creative thinking.

Recall that earlier it was reported how to strengthen the heart with a simple recipe.

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