• 17/03/2025 02:30

How to stabilize blood pressure in the heat without pills: doctors said what to include in the diet

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Doctors noted that some products can be useful for reducing blood pressure in the heat.

This information was reported by Medicalanswers, reports “URA-Inform”.

Whole grain products are named by a doctor among those that help hypertensive patients feel better in the heat. Ayse Gul Guven, a nutritionist from Turkey, noted that hot and stuffy summer weather is uncomfortable for everyone, but especially for hypertensive patients.

“Hot weather has a particularly negative effect on heart patients and hypertensive patients. Patients with high blood pressure should be extremely careful and attentive to their well-being in the summer months,” the specialist recommends.

The doctor emphasized that diet has a noticeable effect on the body of people with hypertension. In the summer, they should avoid foods high in saturated fats – fatty meat, chicken skin, ice cream, cream, butter and coconut oil. Even foods with healthy types of fats (such as fish, olive oil or nuts) should be consumed strictly in moderation, the expert believes.

In turn, Dr. Guven also pointed out that some foods can be useful for lowering blood pressure in the heat.

“Vegetables and fruits, legumes, buckwheat, barley, whole grain products, whole grain bread, oats, brown rice effectively stabilize blood pressure,” the specialist said.

Recall that it was previously reported, TOP-3 fruits for heart health: doctors said what should be in the diet.

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