• 15/03/2025 12:07

How Cats Warn of Dangers and Disasters: What to Pay Attention to

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It has long been believed that that cats have a connection with the other world and are able to sense disasters.

This was reported by URA-Inform with reference to Radiotrek.

Thanks to their keen perception, they have saved people more than once. There is a known case when a cat, having sensed a gas leak that the owners did not notice, tried to escape into the street and thus saved the family from poisoning.

Cats can sense earthquakes, full moons, storms, and even fires. Their heightened senses pick up on weak vibrations that humans cannot detect, and in dangerous moments they may try to hide or behave anxiously and aggressively.

Owners notice that before an earthquake, cats often ruffle their fur, press their ears back, and start meowing for no apparent reason, and sometimes rush to leave the house, returning only after the threat has passed.

In addition to cats, dogs, horses, and goats can sense earthquakes and other natural disasters, so it is important to listen to their behavior.

In addition, cats can sense their owner's illness, even if the person himself does not yet suspect the illness. If your pet suddenly starts showing more attention and literally won't leave you alone, this may be a reason to check your health.

It is known that cats are intuitively drawn to people when they are having a hard time, trying to take away negative energy. Strong intuition also helps them return home from great distances, covering hundreds of kilometers over months of wandering.

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