• 12/03/2025 03:16

How to use the words “na tiptochkah” and “vrozvalku” in Ukrainian correctly: a linguist explains

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Famous linguist Alexander Avramenko explained how to use these words correctly in Ukrainian.

URA-Inform reports this with reference to Alexander Avramenko.

According to him, such Russianisms can often be heard in Ukrainian conversations , like “na tipochkah”, “vrazvalku” and “trutsoj”. Avramenko noted that the words “na tipochkah”, “trutsoj” and “vrazvalku” are typical speech errors among Ukrainians. But it is incorrect to say this and there are euphonious Ukrainian matches that are worth knowing.

“Avoid surzhyk elements — go “at a trot”, “waddling”, and “on tiptoe”. Remember – “to walk at a trot” instead of “trotting,” Avramenko explained.

The expert added that the Russian word “vrazvalku” has a good equivalent in the Ukrainian language – “to walk at a trot” . “To walk waddling from side to side, swaying and unhurriedly.

At the same time, instead of the Russian “to walk on tiptoes” you should use the Ukrainian expression “to walk on tiptoes”, which means walking on the tips of your toes.

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