In the sky above Ukraine has again spotted a Russian passenger plane, which, according to the Flightradar portal, allegedly almost reached the Dnieper.
This was reported by URA-Inform with reference to the Flightradar portal.
The Boeing 738 was flying from Istanbul to Moscow. According to the flight map, it crossed the southern borders of Ukraine via the Black Sea and Crimea, and then, having flown to approximately the Nikopol region, turned around and left Ukrainian airspace. The plane then continued its route to Moscow through zones where Russian airliners usually fly.
Experts believe it is unlikely that a Russian plane would have flown so deeply into Ukrainian airspace, especially in a war-torn environment.
«Flightradar is not an indicator. The program may malfunction, that is, it is not an accurate source of data. If there were no official statements on this topic from UkSATSE, then it was definitely a malfunction of the portal,», – said one of the experts in the aviation market.
It is recalled that before the start of full-scale aggression, Ukraine fulfilled its international obligations, providing escort to foreign aircraft that were forced to cross Ukrainian territory due to weather conditions.
«This is not prohibited. But it cannot be that an aircraft, especially a Russian one, confidently flies over several regions of Ukraine, this is definitely impossible. It is possible that the aircraft can fly over a small area of the territory, nothing more,” the expert explains.
Also, alarming information has emerged that the Russian Federation can now destroy Kharkov with artillery: the DPRK has handed over its missile launchers to Russia.