• 08/03/2025 21:45

Who Needs More Sleep, Men or Women: Scientists' Unexpected Conclusion

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Scientists established that an adult should sleep from seven to nine hours.

This was reported by URA-Inform with reference to the Cleveland Clinic.

At the same time, women should sleep longer than men. The specialist sleep disorders expert Michelle Drerup said hormonal changes can affect your cycle and increase your risk of sleep problems.

According to her, women experience hormonal changes monthly with the menstrual cycle and at certain life stages, such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, the period when menopausal symptoms appear before menstruation stops, and during menopause.

“The hormonal changes associated with menopause are particularly detrimental to sleep quality,” Drerup noted.

It is at this time that the quality of sleep can deteriorate significantly. A woman may have difficulty falling asleep, and sleep may be shallow and superficial. At the same time, other diseases, such as thyroid disease, can intensify unpleasant symptoms.

At the same time, she added that mental health and sleep are closely related, but experts still believe that their relationship can be compared to the eternal question of what came first, the chicken or the egg. That is, poor sleep can affect mental health, but poor mental health can affect the quality of sleep.

According to scientists, women are more likely to develop anxiety and depressive disorders than men. People with depression often experience insomnia (80%), excessive sleepiness (15%), or even temporary cessation of breathing during sleep.

Regardless of whether hormones, mental health, or other issues are to blame, the fact is that women are more prone to sleep problems. In addition, this risk only increases with age.

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