• 10/03/2025 20:34

How to understand what vitamin you are lacking: doctors said what to pay attention to

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In the modern world, vitamin deficiency has become one of the hidden threats to health, but being overly busy, not eating a balanced diet, and stress mean that many people don't get the nutrients they need.

This was reported by URA-Inform, citing the telegram channel ” Doctor in your pocket.”

You can figure out which vitamin you are lacking by the signals your body gives you.

Vitamins A and E

If your skin becomes dry, breakouts appear, and your vision deteriorates, this may be due to a deficiency of vitamins A and E. These vitamins play a key role in cell regeneration and protecting the body from free radicals. Try including carrots, spinach, nuts, and vegetable oils in your diet.

Vitamin C

Its deficiency can manifest itself in bleeding gums, mouth ulcers, and easy bruising. This is due to the fact that vitamin C is involved in the production of collagen and strengthening of blood vessels. Add citrus fruits, kiwi, and bell peppers to your menu.

B vitamins

Irritability, depression, insomnia, and dizziness often signal a lack of B vitamins. It is especially important to pay attention to this if you feel muscle weakness or notice pale skin. Eat more whole grains, eggs, and fish.

Vitamin PP (niacin)

Dermatitis, diarrhea, and dementia may be a sign of a serious deficiency of this vitamin. Niacin helps maintain a healthy nervous system and metabolism. Its sources are meat, fish, and mushrooms.

Vitamin K

Bleeding mucous membranes are a signal that the body lacks vitamin K. This element is necessary for blood clotting. Sources are green leafy vegetables, broccoli, and liver.

Vitamin D

Muscle pain, cramps, and deterioration of teeth and nails often indicate a deficiency of this vitamin. It is especially important to get it in the fall and winter. Eat more fatty fish, eggs and dairy products, and spend time in the sun.

Vitamin P

Problems with blood vessels, dark circles under the eyes and hair loss are signs of vitamin P deficiency. This vitamin is found in citrus fruits, black currants and green tea.

Moreover, there are also the top 4 most useful cereals.


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