• 12/03/2025 12:13

Astrologers revealed the secret of the “Code of God”: one zodiac sign is called the Higher Forces

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Esoteric experts have long been exploring the zodiac circle in search of hidden messages from the Higher Forces.

About this reports “Ura-Inform” with reference to TSN.

One of the most mysterious phenomena is the so-called « Code of God » – A special spiritual plan associated with the highest mind and mystical knowledge.

according to astrologers, only one zodiac sign has this unique connection. We are talking about fish. Being a final sign of the zodiac circle, fish symbolize deep intuition, empathy and sacrifice. This sign has always been associated with spirituality, mysticism and prophetic gift. No wonder in Christianity the symbol of fish was used as a secret sign of faith, and many researchers suggest that Jesus Christ could be born precisely under this sign.

In addition, the number 12 under which the fish goes is sacred: 12 Apostles, 12 knees of Israel, 12 months a year – all this reflects the highest order of the universe. People born under this sign often possess the gift of foresight, their intuition is surprisingly accurate, and words can be prophetic in nature.

is this an accident or part of the divine idea – remains a mystery. However, esotericists are sure: fish carry a special spiritual code that connects them with the Higher Forces, giving abilities, inaccessible to other signs of the zodiac.

Recall, previously reported what the sea is dreaming of: interpretation of dreams.


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