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Intuition is the sixth feeling that helps make the right decisions, avoid dangers and understand people. In some signs of the zodiac, it is especially developed. Consider the four leaders in natural instincts. & Nbsp;
This is reported by Ura-inform.
1. Aries & nbsp;
Aries rarely doubt their feelings. Their intuition is especially strong in extreme situations – they feel when they need to act quickly and decisively. This sign seems to foresee when a new opportunity opens before it. & Nbsp;
2. Cancer & nbsp;
Representatives of this sign have amazing empathy and intuitively understand the emotions of others. They can feel the lie, danger and hidden intentions of people, even if they do not say anything. Their premonitions are rarely mistaken. & Nbsp;
3. Leo & nbsp;
lions have a special gift of intuitive leadership. They instantly catch people and know how to gain authority. Their natural flair helps to avoid failures and attract successful opportunities. & Nbsp;
4. Sagittarius & nbsp;
This sign often follows the inner voice, which directs it to new achievements. In Sagittarius, intuition manifests itself especially vividly in travel, career issues and personal relationships. They foresee successful moments and always find themselves in the right place at the right time. & Nbsp;
If your zodiac sign is included in this list, trust your forebodings – they can become your main trump card in life. & Nbsp;
Separately, we recall how the cat decides with whom to sleep: a veterinarian about the features of thinking pets.