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The word “Abuzer” in recent years has become widely used in Russian, especially on social networks, psychological articles and discussions of toxic relations. It denotes a person who causes psychological, emotional or physical harm to another person, abusing his power or influence. However, this term has a deeper story and nuances that you should know about. & Nbsp;
this is reported by Ura-Inform.
1. The meaning of the word “abuser” & nbsp;
the term “abuser” comes from the English word “abuser”, which means “offender”, “rapist” or “person who performs abuse”. In a broad sense, this term covers various types of abuse, including: & nbsp;
– physical violence (beatings, intimidation, control through force) & nbsp;
– psychological pressure (manipulation, humiliation, blackmail) & nbsp;
– emotional violence (ignoring, suppression of self -esteem, gazlating) & nbsp;
– financial Abuez (complete control over finances , prohibition of working) & nbsp;
2. Why did the word become popular? & Nbsp;
The popularity of the term “Abuzer” is associated with an increase in society's awareness of the problems of toxic relations and violence. The influence of social networks, the availability of information about psychology, the discussion of the tops of the Abuez in the media and the cinema led to the fact that people began to actively use this term. & Nbsp;
The phrase “he (or she) – the abuser” began to briefly indicate harmful behavior, which used to be often without a name or described by blurry formulations. Today, society has become more sensitive to psychological violence, and people are increasingly realizing that Abuez is not just family conflicts or complex relationships, but a real problem that requires a solution to. & Nbsp;
3. When it is appropriate to use the term “abuser”? & Nbsp;
despite the popularity of the word, it is important to use it correctly. Not every manifestation of irritability or conflict can be called Abuez. It is appropriate to use this term in cases where it is a systematic suppression, manipulation or violence, and not about one -time quarrels or emotional bursts. & Nbsp;
some important points: & nbsp;
– If a person once raised his voice in a dispute, this does not make him an abuser. However, if he regularly uses a scream as a method of pressure, this is a sign of emotional violence. & Nbsp;
– control and a total ban on communicating with friends – this is an example of an Abuez. But the request to pay more attention to relations is not violence. & Nbsp;
– financial dependence may be a consequence of life circumstances, but if the partner deliberately prohibits the work and dispose of money, this is financial Abuez. & Nbsp;
4. Conclusion & nbsp;
the term “abuser” is an important word that helps to denote toxic and violent behavior. However, its popularity has led to frequent and not always correct use. In order to prevent the substitutions of concepts, it is important to understand its true meaning and apply in cases where there really is a systematic violence and abuse of power. & Nbsp;
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