• 27/07/2024 00:01

The Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed 750 invaders, 33 artillery systems and 2 aircraft in one day

ВСУ за сутки уничтожили 750 оккупантов, 33 артсистемы и 2 самолета

Ukrainian soldiers. Photo from Facebook of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Russia continues to suffer losses in the war of aggression against Ukraine – over the past 24 hours alone, the Defense Forces have eliminated 760 invaders, 19 tanks, 31 armored fighting vehicles and 2 aircraft.

Source : General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facebook

Details : The enemy's total combat losses from 02/24/22 to 12/25/23 were approximately:

  • personnel – about 353,950 (+760) people,
  • tanks – 5,877 (+19) units,
  • armored combat vehicles – 10,919 (+31) units,
  • artillery systems – 8,347 (+33) units,
  • MLRS − 934 (+2) units,
  • air defense systems – 613 (+2) units,
  • aircraft – 329 (+2) units,
  • helicopters – 324 (+0) units,
  • Operational-tactical level UAV – 6,436 (+32) units,
  • cruise missiles – 1,616 (+2) units,
  • ships/boats – 22 (+0) units,
  • submarines – 1 (+0) units,
  • automotive equipment and tank trucks – 11,075 (+53) units,
  • special equipment – 1,234 (+5) units.

The data is being clarified.


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