• 14/03/2025 02:23

Telegram channels wrote about fireworks in Kyiv. Police say it's fake

Телеграмм-каналы написали о фейерверках в Киеве. Полиция говорит, что это фейк

Photo: Kyiv police

Kyiv police reported that previously distributed information in anonymous Telegram channels about the launch of fireworks on the left bank of the city does not correspond to reality.

Source: Kiev police

Verbatim: “Today, information appeared on some Telegram channels that an unknown person set off fireworks in Osokorki. During the check, the information was not confirmed. Police officers who went to the probable scene of the incident talked with local residents, but no one confirmed this information.

“As it turned out, the event that was filmed on the distributed video took place last year.”

Details: Law enforcement officers called on citizens who witnessed the launch of fireworks or fireworks to immediately report the event to the police. “And law enforcement officers ask owners of Telegram channels not to disseminate false information,” the message says.


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